
What are poem by Mark

What are heavy? A lorry and a broken heart.

What are light? A pebble, paper and a flying dart.

What are dark? The deep of the Atlantic ocean and secrets

that have been never told.

What are bright? The sun beaming into your eyes, An angel coming

from the night sky and someone being bold.

What are happy? A joyful bunny jumping, a park full of children and
a new born puppy being born.

What are sad? A tree sitting in the middle of the field, a park in the dark and

a parents last goodbyes.

5 Responses to “What are poem by Mark”

  1. Good job really liked the last one.

  2. I like this because you have used good words

  3. You could use more description on the writing but it is really good keep going.

  4. I like your description about the pebble that is light

  5. I like this rhyme because you are asking a question then you are answering it by rhyming.

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