
The finding

​“ Come with me” A soft strange viose whispered. “ Come on quickly” The voise said again. Amy, confused followed the young womans voise
“ Are you comeing or not? Ty get a move on.” Amy said with a sour tone in her voise. Ty, who knew it was a bad idea, reluctantly obayed her, knowing he will never get his way. They followed the girl into a hidden jail cell.
“ Will be safe here.” The girl said revealing herself to Amy and Ty. She had hair as black as the night and eyes so blue you want to drown in them. She had a dertermind look in her face proving that she will never give up.​“ So who are you? “ Ty innocently asked
“ I will ask the questions Ty.” Amy quickly snaped “ So who are you ? Why are you helping us ? What do you wanta with me?” Ty clears his throat.
“ Us what do you want with us.” Amy said corecting herself.
“ Well um my name is Elena and I know how bad the dragons can be so I want to help you.” Elena said explaning herself
“ Why should we trust you ? “
“ Because I am the only person that can help you.” Elena said snaping back at Amy.
“ Oh God there is two of them.” Ty said in fustration.
“ Shhh.We are trying to have a conversation over here”Amy spat.
“I just thought you would want to know that the dragons are comeing” Ty said finaly feeling like he was in control.

One Response to “The finding”

  1. I love the description, especially “She had hair as black as the night and eyes so blue you want to drown in them”. Amazing!
    Perhaps you could use reported (indirect) speech instead of always direct speech?

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