
The Story Continued


An hour later, the kids saw something in the air, someone found them and through a rope ladder down to them, once they got to the top someone said, “All aboard the Millia”, they were saved. They flew about one mile, then they saw a star that was much larger than the other ones, but for a second something swooped past it and stopped it shining.

At that moment they saw a silhouette moving in the shadows, and they heard someone scream…



Someone or something scurried up the side of the vessel, all they saw was red, beady eyes. Maddie leaned down to get it, but the thing tugged her down, Archie grabbed her leg before the creature could pull her any further, than he pulled Maddie back up who seemed to be holding something red, “it’s a devil!” they screamed harmoniously.

Although it was a devil it looked smaller and less scary, it didn’t have a trident and all the spikes on its head and tail, were blunt, it was a baby. It did not seem to cause mischief and seemed more scared of the two kids than they were of the baby devil. They saw many gashes and claw marks on the baby so the children looked after it for a few hours why the rest of the crew where under the deck. It had the same claw-marks as the gremlin made on the ship, Maddie and Archie wondered if the gremlin hurt him and the scream was because someone was scared of the devil. Eventually the two took the devil down to the adults to see if they could help it.

One Response to “The Story Continued”

  1. I liked the way you started it.

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