
The Anywhere Emporium Seren y6

As she approached the Anywhere Emporium, Daisy stopped still. She stared at its gold-brick walls that seemed to shimmer and glitter. Her eyes fell upon the door. It was like no other she’d ever seen. It was small and wooden with a diamond doorknob but you could see no wood. For the door was encrusted with every jewel imaginable. Daisy felt herself being pulled by some sort of sorcery closer and closer. Finally, with her heart pounding and head spinning, she entered the shop…

One Response to “The Anywhere Emporium Seren y6”

  1. Mrs Livermore May 21, 2021 at 6:29 pm

    Wonderful writing Seren. The sentence that begins, “For the door…” is actually a subordinate clause belonging to the previous sentence. Can you adjust your punctuation accordingly?

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