
Flying pigs!

Angelina Johnson- creature report

Early this morning, a host of flying pigs were reported to be circling the Greater Manchester area; research zoologists were called to the city but were at loss to explain how they grew wings. The head zoologist said, “It could be any number of things really, a genetic mutation, a rare drug, cross breeding but we can’t be certain until sure until we find one for testing.” any attempt to take one down has been unsuccessful so far, as the pigs are hostile and will attack any person within too close proximity. Many residents have been bombarded by the strange creatures. Due to these recent attacks, many residents have been warned to stay indoors and block their windows. It has the body of an ordinary farm pig but has revolting webbed wings like North America’s flying squirrel. Read on to page twenty four for more information on these mutants of nature.

On the previous page four, we discovered the monstrous 'sus volantes' or flying pig that experts have named, and have spread across the country and are a threat to people's lives. More when the professionals give us an update.


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