
magical Emporium

Old newspaper with spiders crawling on it like a ghost ready to capture your soul. There are some places where no one goes. The secret emporium was never been viewed, they sold everything Even the diamond clear landscape picture with diamantes to be bought and used .the suns reflection bouncing off the window. Even though the colors on the, picture could really blend neatly. The smell of dry clear paper, strongly hitting your nostrils when you enter. Bargains express was painted red with equal windows for the sun to light shop.



Chapter1-through the door

Imogen had always been an anxious and her sister had often. Warned her that it would cause a disaster. One sunny hot morning Imogen was strolling down manor road when she caught something in the corner of her eye   about the emporium. For change the door was open and without hesitation she carefully stepped in. everywhere she glanced, it was loaded with things that you could eat. Imogen spotted a gold box of a liter husky puppies floating on the self and the sun hit it. Seconded hand dolls that were from, china moved around as awkwardly silence as each eye escaped around the room .But that interested Imogen as she spotted a gold leather book. As Imogen flickered through the pages the pages moved around the page like red ants transforming in ants.  A man’s voice appeared saying “I SEE YOU HAVE RETURNED “. Imogen glanced at mystery face said with a dark voice.



Chapter2-a warning disobeyed

“What’s your name “Imogen Whispered?

“My name is Leonardo gold “, he replied, glancing at Imogen.

He said once again “do you like this shop”. Imogen was very confused so she mumbled yes while her head bobbed. “Here is the book of wander” he mentioned.  A couple of moments later Mr. Leonardo gold had vanished with his long dark suit be hide the wooden door and Imogen was lonely in a gloomy room. After Imogen realized her legs were shaking with fear. Imogen was tempted to read the book and see what he is was hiding so she opened the book and scanned the pages. Imogen had opened the door to see where he was and spotted a cold dark corridor and went down to see what it is. She caught up in her thoughts.



Turning back Imogen opened the dusty book, every single page contained a sketch a house are a beach lighthouse, mountains and more adventures places to visit. Next things Imogen was sketching a cottage with vines flowers hanging from the window with a freshly white wooden door. “This way “barked a Doberman through the long corridor until one door was locked. The keys to unlock the mystery door so the keys were picked up by Imogen and unlocked. Next minute she was in her own sketch with the   sunset setting with paths leading to somewhere. Birds ringing and the trees swishing about.

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