
The three sisters

After the sisters set up for the night and went to sleep, they woke up and set off straight away after they found out that the gorm was close by. So what they decided that they would travel to skull scurry’s cave. As they traveled up the hill it was getting darker and darker, then Jane new they would be there soon.

After about 10 minutes of silence the sisters finally approached a small Mound, then they saw their destination. Scull scurry’s cave. They went inside the cave and got stared at by the goblins that lived there. Inside the cave, it was dark and dinghy. Outside the cave, it was stormy and dark. Beyond the darkness the heavens were open and the sky had a gold cloud in the sky.

Finally after a hour of exploring they settled down to sleep. After Lucy and Susan fell asleep Jane out up from the middle of them, Carefull not to wake them, and walked off. Soon Jane heared a voice, she had a bad feeling about this place so she went to take a look. The voice velt familiar but it was not. Jane was scared, scared torcher life.

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