
walking to school

On Monday, I slipped on the cold hard ice 

The man in navy saved me

The mountainous hill takes all the monday energy

The top an evil ice rink outsmarted by the girl in blue 

Hopping on the patches of moss on the floor  

As cautious as a cactus 

On tuesday, I spun like a not so graceful ballerina 

The man in navy held my hand

A bridge before the hill 

tridging like a treadmill 

the girl in blue held on for dear life

On wednesday,I stood like a surfer 

The man in navy laughed at me 

The ice was not icy

The walk was cold and brisk 

The girl in blue shivered silently

On Thursday, I saw the icy floor 

The man in navy pulled me close 

The weather was deadly 

The girl in blue wished it was snowing 

On Friday, I looked a the obstacles ahead 

The man in navy encouraged me 

The bridge was conquered

The mountain was defeated

The girl in blue loves the man in navy. 


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