
The Shadow Unicorn


                               The shadow unicorn


The Shadow Unicorn is a very rare species of unicorn. It hides in dark places so it can camouflage and blend in with its dark body. It has only been seen about ten times. The only times it has been seen is between  midnight and three am. Many people want to hunt one and keep it as a trophy. Some people say it is impossible to hunt one. Can you hunt one?

Would you be able to identify a Shadow Unicorn if you saw one? In fact, the Shadow Unicorn is very similar to different species of unicorn, it has a beautiful twisted horn, majestic wings, and the eyesight of a Mantis shrimp.Typically, they have a bark black body colour. Scientists reported that they had seen  a Shadow Unicorn that was red  in colour and had a blue mane. Furthermore, they have the teeth of tungsten (the strongest metal in the world) , they have a razor sharp point on the end of their tail and red hair. Amazingly, as the creature walks it leaves little shadow on floors and walls. I bet you have not seen one of the shadows before? They are really rare.

Very little is known about the Shadow Unicorn’s habitat; the only thing scientists know about its habitat is that they live on the moon or close to the moon. Twice a year, the Shadow Unicorn comes to Earth to hibernate in the winter because most caves and ditches are warmer on Earth. If you ever want to see one, wait until winter, go outside between midnight and three am into the nearest forest cave or ditch and stand very still then if you’re lucky one will fly straight to you. If you see one, consider yourself lucky.

Are Shadow Unicorns, which are made out of shadows, dangerous? Many people think they are dangerous because they have a very special ability. If you ever touch one or stare in its eyes for more than 5 seconds you become a shadow. However, it is actually really friendly. It tries to stay away from any human or animal for this reason. They try to make friends with people but the humans just enjoy stroking them and often end up looking them in the eyes, which ends with them being turned into a shadow.

Because these creatures are extremely rare, you should take the opportunity to observe their spectacular beauty.

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