
Chapter 2

Amelia glared at Natalie. Amelia’s bluebell eyes were looking at Natalie’s brave soul.Natalie nudged forward and stroked the wolf when Lily looked she was hypnotised as she looked at Natalie stroking werewolf Amelia.


She could not believe her eyes.The enormous wolf vanished into a big bush. ”I found her 5 years ago. She was only a little cub then, I noticed that she was starving.” Whispered Miss Green “Someone must have let her out and escaped.I took her i couldn’t leave her there obviously. She was just sitting there looking at me. What could I do? I couldn’t do less!”   Miss Green explained. 


In the night, Natalie dreamed of Lily she could imagine her bluebell eyes glaring at her. Natalie’s heart was melting when she saw the wolf the first time! 


Natalie used to sneak out of the house and feed Lily rabbit,foxes and pigeons. Lily ate like a baby. Natalie was scared but she had the courage to sit next to Lily and stroke her.Then Natalie would head home silently and scared….She was so surprised about the secret.The next day Natalie and her mum used to go in the daylight to sit with Lily while she was waiting for them. 


Then one night Lily let Amelia rub her tummy within days and days.Lily was searching for meat in Amelia’s pocket she only found a few pieces.Insted of walking to school unhappy he skipps happily to school.Over the light, warm summer night, Amelia kept sneaking out and she spent most of her time not sleep but spending time with Lily and their secret had each other for ever.

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