
Chapter 4 – out of the libary

Chapter 4- Out of the emporium

Curiously Sam and Colby were exploring the house more, but they felt that they were not the last one in line anymore..When they stopped walking, they felt a freezing cold breeze going through them, they both started shivering from how cold it was. Immediately a door slammed in the distance they  both jumped and started running away to get to another room. As they  opened the door to the new room.


Without any hesitation they immediately  were looking for exists  for about roughly 1 hour – 35 minutes, As they found a glowing red shiny door  that was shining in their eyes, Sam said 

‘’Could this be it?’’ As they flung open the shiny ruby door  they randomly appeared in the library they had been  in before..

As they looked at the sky it looked like it was 8-9 at night!!

‘’ We need to go!’’ they both shouted, when they were sprinting to the exit they heard the man say 

‘’Leaving so late !?’ Where on earth have you been’’ he noticed that they had touch his special book ,

‘’ No sir we have not!’’ Sam said in a panicked  voice . without saying a word they sprinted out in guilt.

When they were on the main road they  turned around to make sure the man they looked the wrong way but they didn’t.. They later found out that  the man was an illusion trying to trick them..


was inside but he wasn’t.. They thought they looked the wrong way but they didn’t.. The man was an illusion after all

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