
The Unknown Emporium



All though no one ever ever touched or tried to open the door to the Unknown Emporium as they walk past the black golden bricked building.There was a window next to a to a gloomy towering door it was like as tall as a giraffe back to the window there was a pyramid of panda plushies,a bookshelf filled with ancient books (dating back to the year 1378) and jars filled with mysterious flavours of fudge.


Despite the fact the Unknown Emporium seem’s amazing, not even a soul entered the Emporium until Cherry walked past the building… 


Chapter one- until Cherry


As the door opened Cherry slowly crept towards the Unknown Emporium until she hit the doorway and without thinking Cherry stepped into the sparkling building.Sadly Cherry,who was being bullied by max’s gang,because her parents died in a house fire last week she then became an easy target for max.


When Cherry looked above her she saw a flying toy jet doing loop-the-loop’s in the air.Thenwhen she put her head down Cherry saw a merle collie just staring at her until she bent down on both her knees and then said “hello there what is your name?”the merle collie came over and then he rolled over for a belly rub.


Cherry  heard a voice “who are you?Why are you here?and why are you petting my dog?”Mr vanish spoke. she turned around to see an ebony tall mysterious figure behind her.


Chapter 3: the it that change her life


Surprised,she woke up in her old gingerbread house and when she got out of the bed she completely forgot how beautiful this place is.The garden is filled with chocolate carrots,then Cherry was ready to change into fresh clothes and saw her bruised arms.After,Cherry got changed she said “oh my god does this mean my family are  here,”announced Cherry.She was meandering around the room  which creates an echo.A big thud of lightning struck and she ran downstairs and curled up in a ball in her dad’s chair.


Then she heard something growling in the corner behind her when she turned around to see it, there were sharp talon marks on its fur coat. Cherry screamed “aaaaaaah!”When she thought about it she then said “are you friendly?”

Cherry smashed the window to jump out and she ran like a cheetah to 

escape but the doorway was a barrier-cadet…

Chapter four:the last time of the Unknown Emporium so you think

Anxious cherry turned around  and around until she found a bright purple and blue wrapping so she rushed  over but on her way she bruised her ankle.When cherry got over to the chocolate bar she realised that the creature started snarling whilst it was on the hunt for her so she hid behind the candy bar .The creature asked “are you there? I will find you,”spoke the creature and there was no reply  back.

  Fascinated,Cherry started to pull pieces off of the chocolate bar until she peeked through a tone bit of the wrapping she said “OH MY GOD THIS IS WHAT I HAVE BEEN LOOKING FOR!”exclaimed cherry.It was the door to home hopefully.So cherry  began to claw at the blue-violet casing making a mess. 

Inside,the candy bar was the mythical and legendary door that led to the Unknown Emporium .Then Cherry leaned forward to open the door,her hand reached the door handle. Maybe this was the way home.

Cherry opened the door in a rush so she could come home she left in a hurry when she came out the door she was in the Unknown Emporium and in a instant Mr.vanish came out of nowhere and spoke “did you find what you was looking for cherry,” cherry replied “no not quite yet are you not mad at me” spoke cherry “no i am not” said Mr.vanish cherry needed a break so she went home but little did she know the merle collie from the start followed her home and snuck in with her but when cherry turned around the Unknown Emporium disappeared and her and the meale collie went home…   

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