Tag Archives | Dash

How to train your Hell Unicorn By: Dash


Have you ever wondered why whenever you say devil your unicorn turns evil and ends up with it’s teeth at your throat well I’ll tell you.

What you need: 2 bed covers, strawberries, ketchup, 200 ml of blood.


What you do:

1.First, you spread a red matres around the darkest room in your house and give it plenty of space to roll around in or else it will disappear to another dimension.

2.Then, feed it strawberries, ketchup and a bit of blood for a nice drink if not consequently it will explode.

3.Later on, order your Hell Unicorn to do 1 billion push ups 1 billion sit ups and 20,000k run otherwise it will get tantrums. Also it will shoot fire from its mouth.

4.Finally,never say devil in front of it because it means the devil has complete control over it. That’s not good.


Warning: The Devil eats HUMANS.you need:2 bed covers, strawberries, ketchup, 200ml of blood.


Breaking news-The burning flame

Jimmy Sushi Mush

Sorry to interrupt, at 12.30 today a flaming unicorn came down from the sky. It set hampstead
train station to flames. For your information, it had a horn that shot flickering fire, after 10
Minutes the fire brigade came, an adult in the area said it needs to be understood more.Why
Did it? we don’t know. Saz age 18 says that “he really wanted to find out more and
more about this magical creature.” If you want to know more type Unicornfinderout@dok.com. Everyone be warned…



Fire Unicorn by Dash

Who is responsible for the stars

Wears the fashion show 


The Fire unicorn is the last of it kind and it is very dangerous if you get near in addition If you want to know what it looks like it is bright ruby red with  a fire aura  it is distinguished because it has a slight fire shape on his top right big tooth also were ever the walk slight fires start in the ground.


Where am I

The Fire Unicorn’s address 17 Fir-Sin road.(a burning heep of fire) it is specific because there is only one left in every multiverse! If you ever bump into one (very unlikely)you’ve probably set of on the wrong tracks because it live in fire literally.Usualley it is strict but quite nice if you get know him. 


I’m hungry

The fire shank stars for breakfast but sometimes it runs out and eats nibbles of gigantic stars unlike the sun which is small compared to the stars he eats.But on special days he eats devil meat and fruit also drinks devil fire.


Flame behavior 

The fire unicorns are strict but kind but not as you would `call social.If you met one you would’nt really get it until you get to know.   Dash