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Skyship Adventure Part 2

Lily grabbed her brother and held his hand. Max helped her pull the chain hanging above them, swinging left and right furiously. It worked! The maroon parachute flew out above them, shielding them from the rain. Or so they thought. This was all a dream.

They awoke with a start. From behind Lily was a loud *THUD*. Max had banged his head on the edge the Skyflight. She looked around. All she could see was, well, she couldn’t see anything but air! They were in the sky? She dashed over to see if anything was there and to her surprise, there was a carpet of… leaves? Lily then realised what had happened. She and her brother were caught in a tree!

Her breathing quickened. Max soon saw what had happened and he started to think of what to do to get them down. He rummaged through his backpack to see if he could find anything.  Seconds later, Lily saw him with something brown in his hand.  A roll-up ladder 3000!


Eva’s descovery…

Eva raced across the beach, her heart pounding. the wind danced through her hair as she dashed from hut to hut . waiting. watching. the waves crashed against the jagged rocks as her feet swooped through the golden- brown sand. As Eva settled down for the night, the back door creaked open…


The sky-ship mission: Part 4.

Just before he saw what it was, a loud bang came from below the deck. Eric quickly pushed open the door and squirmed over to where the noise was happening. “Where were you Eric?” questioned the captain, just managing to steer the wheel. Eric replied with a shrug, he quickly turned away but before he could move, the captain pulled him by his jacket. “Bunk, now.” Eric felt guilty for the baby dragon but there was nothing he could do about it, so, he headed to his bunk with devastation.

Next morning, he was puzzled. No one was in their bunks. All beds were made. Not even dust. He thought he was dreaming, but he was wrong because when he looked at the time it was 11:47am. “I SLEPT PAST MY ALARM!?” Eric shuddered. Eric suddenly pounced out of his bed and scrammed to the room he found the baby dragon. It was gone, all that was left was a huge hole in the wall leading to where the shadow was…

The Cloudscraper – Part 4

The plant dragon had been wrapped in a blanket and was now asleep. Everyone was busy repairing the Cloudscraper, except for Freya, who was with the baby dragon. Suddenly, a green figure appeared in the distance, flying closer. It was the dragon’s mother!

It stared at Freya angrily. She reached out with the dragon in both hands to the mum, covering. The parent dragon took the dragonlet with her wings and it on their back before smiling and flying away. Freya ran back to the half-repaired Cloudscraper and help fix it.

Not long later, their skyship was repaired and the crew was cruising through the night sky.

Dragon and crew found

Kaia ran away from the starship on fire and jumped inside a bush to see a baby dragon. She looked up and there was the crew Kaia was so confused she thought the crew had died in the starship. “Kaia!” They all screamed were so glad your ok.

“Why is there a baby dragon the dragons attacked us!”

“That’s because the baby dragon got lost and came on our starship and it’s mum made a crew to get her baby back.”

“Ok let’s try give the dragon It’s baby back and then well be save then!”

The crew nodded and of they went in the woods to make a plan.

The Sky-Stargazer.

All evening, thunder roared over him. Pie was alone, he ducked down in the blackness, and glared ahead. Wind crashed the sides of the Sky-Stargazer Skyship, buffeting his trail. Pie shuddered. Was he safe?


In an instant, Pie heard something creeping towards him, carefully. Silently, a vague but grim shadow clung onto the balloon and didn’t let go. A black eye glinted. Pie’s skin had goosebumps as he followed around the skyship. Who or what was it?

Skyship Adventure Ending by Melody

Bombeye shouted, “Theres a wyvern!” Jack bursted the doors open ran and checked, from his view there was no wyvern to be seen. It was the station! Elijah grabbed his sister Opal, who seemed to be very tired. 


“Opal, look!” Elijah squealed with happiness. Opal’s mouth fell wide open, “I don’t think this is our stop..” she whispered. Elijah looked at his map and he grinned. Elijah looked at Opal, “You’re wrong, this is our stop!” he shouted happily, Opal looked then grinned. Bombeye walked over to them, “You’re lucky I thought that was a wyvern.” he said nervously, “Well, good luck we’re safe!” 


The Moon Rider drifted down the cotton candy clouds and slowly came to a stop at the station, Elijah and Opal were finally at their holiday.  

Skyship ending.


The skyship was running smoothly, and so was everything else, everyone was sat in their seat with their seatbelt fastened. Everyone was enjoying their time, the sky was a pastel blue, and the sun was shining brightly. Nothing could possibly ruin it, until... 

The skyship began to break down, something was now wrong. Bella looked out of the back window and pointed. “Guys, is that a dragon? Or even 2 dragons?” asked Bella with a frown on her face. Ty looked back and realised the dragons were trying to take down their skyship. Captain OShea, the dragons are here! shouted Ty. Bella and Mariana were shivering, and nobody had a clue what was going to happen next. 

Captain O’Shea made a sharp turn, hoping she would lose the dragons, but didn’t. They were too fast. BANG! The dragons crashed into the skyship causing everything too fly of the shelfs. “Everyone, go to the emergency room, immediately! Captain OShea shouted. She knew that they werent finished. 

Captain O’Shea turned on the rocket boosters of the ship, making the dragons fall to the ground. As the dragons fell you could see the fire slowly burning down.. 

Sky ship Onward

Onboard the Worrior, Captain Gai was relentlessly trying to find Akio. Their searchlight swept the jungle floor, startling dryads and nature spirits. Wearily, the crew heaved ropes, peered from the viewing platform and tried to prevent their gradual decline. The moon hid behind the ominous clouds, casting an eerie light and elongating shadows. Dotted on the deck, oil lanterns rocked in the wind. Being their only source of light, it made the crew’s hearts race. On the horizon, a dim, golden light illuminated a clearing. With a jolt, all the lights crashed onto the floor, smashing beyond repair. Worried glances were exchanged from crew member to crew member. A few exhausted engineers thudded down the stairs for some sleep. Before any others could go, Captain Gai announced, “Look, over there. Head towards the light. Hazel, you need to make us go at full speed. Sam, Gem and Fox, use our emergency supply of coal. Sussy, turn off the search light. Amy and Tam, go and fix the deck. The rest of you, make yourself useful! Oh and no buts Sam or Fox, DO IT BEFORE I THROW YOU OVERBOARD MYSELF!” Every person scurried about, doing their tasks. The Worrior propelled herself forwards and soon, they were going at over 10 miles per hour (which was extremely fast for any sky ship!) 


Meanwhile, Marian had dozed off on a carpet of leaves while Akio kept watch over the blazing embers of their fire. The anty  –  or Ty, as they called him – suddenly gazed north and his ears pricked up. Throughout the night, Ty had protectively prowled around them, flinching at a twig snapping or a birdflap tacking off. Although, Akio had never seen the look in Ty’s eye – the look of sheer panic. Shaking Marian awake, Akio saw a glimmer of ruby scales and came to a horrifying conclusion of what animal was circling above them. Marian rubbed her eyes before they shot open, wider then ping-pong balls. Alone, they suddenly seemed highly vulnerable. Fire careened down to their right and the jungle was set ablaze. Marian stifled a yelp. Would they have to run for it? In all their time in the jungle, Akio had never been so shocked. Lost, they scrambled in any direction away from the fire, not really caring about where they had been heading before. Lightning cracked open the sky. Akio picked up Ty, pulled Marian behind her and dashed through burning foliageHow far could she go like this? 


At that moment, the fire sped up to meet them. With a deafening thud, an ignited tree fell in front of them, halting them. An amber eye stared down at them as they stared up. Akio, Marian and Ty felt their toes stiffen and then their ancles went numb. Akio remembered that if you stared at a sky serpents eye for too long then it would paralyse you. Would that happen to her? Taring her eyes away, Akio caught a glimpse of steel before it impaled itself in the sky serpent’s chest. The harpoon had hit its target and all the sky serpent’s fire all disappeared in an instant. To Akio, Ty felt like a statue of stone on her back – hopefully only aftereffects. Overhead, the hull of a ship loomed. About eleven rope ladders hung down from the deck and eleven of Akio’s crew mates rushed towards her. “Get Ty and Marian to the sick bay, alert Captain Gai to take us far away as I feel static electricity in the air and Sam, DO NOT RUN OFF OR I WILL DRAG YOU BACK MYSELF!” ordered Akio, a natural leader. Once up in the air, a lightning sky serpent hissed in front of them. Fortunately, Akio did serpenteece as part of her course and translated the hissing to, “You killed Sssssssssssssssss and I am angry.” The harpoon was aimed then all the lightning stopped. Then, the crew had some well-earned sleep and Akio guided the ship into the red sun. 

the sky ship {chapter4}

Several minutes later, they arrived at the pods garage, the dads had gone hunting and the mothers  were  making  a nice meat casserole. Children moaned from hunger as they had not had breakfast. They hadn’t slept  last night and were  trying to have a little nap before dinner.

Tom and Sam stood together in the lounge of their pod. Moments later, their farther had arrived with a buck tide up on a stick, blood was strewn  on its skin. Litres upon Litres of blood trailed behind them.

The snow didn’t bother the brothers  , they’d never get fed up of the snow men and the sledges. The winters breeze reminded them of home, the  way the sea of cotton candy like clouds bobbed below the ship instead of salty  water.

It was then when the pod creaked… A Silhouette was squirming on the side of the pod Sam loving every moment of  this, sprinted towards the creature… Tom waited for a description  from Sam, But it never came.

After what seemed like hours , Sam  shouted, ‘its a robotic worm cleaning the pod. Tom loved robotics. After seeing the robotic worm that’s name was actually RWCF -FC [ robotic worm cleaner for- flying craft].

At dusk ,the captain called everyone for dinner. After hours of chuckling and story telling, everyone was exhausted  . They left  the table and headed for their pods.