Tag Archives | Ginny

I am the…

I am the teeth, the fun – nibbler to me

I am the sleep, only 4 hours of me

I am the tummy, a veg – lover

I am the eye glimpses – further

I am the squeak what makes me… me

I am the paws, spotty speeder




IF I were summoned to create a treasure,

I would take:

the soft fluffy cloud from the blue shining sky,  

the yellow dotted cheese from the dazzling farm

and the pink melted peach,

The darkness side of the sun,

the strength of the horse being bit

and the last memory of Dodos,

the last piece of the rainbow icing cake,

the touch of the wet glittering paint

and the smell from the reddish cherry pie being baked.



IF I were summoned to create a treasure,

I would take:

the soft fluffy cloud from the blue shining sky,  

the yellow dotted cheese from the dazzling farm

and the pink melted peach,

The darkness side of the sun,

the strength of the horse being bit

and the last memory of Dodos,

the last piece of the rainbow icing cake,

the touch of the wet glittering paint

and the smell from the reddish cherry pie being baked.



IF I were summoned to create a treasure,

I would take:

the soft fluffy cloud from the blue shining sky,  

the yellow dotted cheese from the dazzling farm

and the pink melted peach,

The darkness side of the sun,

the strength of the horse being bit

and the last memory of Dodos,

the last piece of the rainbow icing cake,

the touch of the wet glittering paint

and the smell from the reddish cherry pie being baked.



I stood in the room of hot snows

and water sizzled around me.

I stood in the room of fast running snails

and their shells came out.

I stood in the room of quiet thunder

and lightning came.

I stood in the room of slow tigers

and listened as they roared.

I stood in the room of cute spiders

and watched as they crawled on my face.

I stood in the room of squishy stones

and bounced on them.


Ginny went to the room her baby sister slept she lifted Moly up and wisperd let’s go to the emporium when she got to the door it didn’t open so she went to Harriet but all she sed was no. Ginny ran to her dorm and opened the window and let out a scream and she was in the room of the emporium.she opened the sack and picked up moly and asked the man if she could stay, all she got was a nod. THE END


“So you have to go in to the book. They will get out of the emporium.”the man whispered in a scary tone.Ginny stared at him and opened the door to the other side.A loud scream came out of Ginnys moth as she fell out of nowhere and looked at her sad and bad hapnings. The worst is her entering the orphanage where she now lives.As she curled up into a ball she landed with a thuds. Ginny opened her eyes and she looks around it was like the orphanage the same spiders,smell and beds.


“How much money for the book”Ginny complemented.Before he could say nothing Ginny opened the book and out came a little monkey and it was very mischievous. The book fell to the floor.Harry Porter came out followed by Ron and Hermiony. “You will not be able to open the doors of the shop!”