Tag Archives | Harlie Bella

Chapter 3 – The last chapter –

                                                                  The Great Escape

                                                                       Chapter 3


Panting like a dog, Esdella stared down the chimney but what was she looking at? Suddenly, she heard a door crash, CRASH BOOM KAPOW!! “What was that?” Esdella questioned herself, moving her head around the room to check if anything happened in there but..there was nothing? “Strange..” muttered Esdella. “Hello?” said a voice coming from down the corridor or was it the chimney? Rushing across the room, she heard footsteps this time, Esdella assumed it was the nurse so she rushed back to the bed and pretended to be asleep and looked like she didn’t move a muscle. “When are we going to kill her Boss?” boss?! Esdella started sweating.. Who was the boss? What if they knew she was awake? What if they were gonna kill… Oh god, she was actually so scared that she couldn’t even breathe. Her stomach rumbled. “No not now!!” Esdella said what she thought was to herself but no… she accidentally said it out loud. No..no..no!! The door creaked open. Esdella started panicking, what if it was the nurse? “Hello?…” “Oh goodness your not one of those.. ‘Nurses’,” “Oh please im a kid like you. Im trying to not get killed…” “K-k-k-killed?!?!” Esdella shouted as loud as she could. “Shhh!” “Sorry” “By the way do you believe in ghosts?”


“Yes..” muttered Esdella. She was wondering why he asked that. “Because I am one.” he whispered into her ear. “WHAT?!?!?” Esdella felt like she was going to faint any second now. “My name is Vincent. You?” “Esdella” “Nice” They heard footsteps again but even louder this time. “QUICK” “Hey- AHHHH” they both tumbled down the chimney hoping to have rolled under the surprisingly massive gap under the bed but no. “Where are we?!” “This is.. Where us children in this hospital live.” “Live?” “You heard me.” It looked amazing, children having fun, screaming in JOY and playing in a .. park… Esdella tried to ignore the fact that the park looked exactly like the haunted park but..huh? What was this? It looked like a knife, suddenly when Esdella picked it up all the children stopped moving except for her and Vincent. “You found the ancient knife..” “It stops time??” “Yep, you guessed it”.


“Does this mean-” “Mhm!” replied Vincent. “ Yes. Yes. Yes we can go back up the chimney and seek revenge on those pesky nurses.” They both chuckled. “You know it Vincent.” laughing as loud as they both wanted, as the other people would only see them frozen and couldn’t hear them, they clambered back up the chimney in hope the nurses would be in Esdella’s hospital room. And they were. Esdella clambered back up the chimney in joy and worry. “What’s wrong?” wondered Vincent. “I- Uh-” “Spit it out i can tell you don’t look so happy.” “What.. I’m just scared to kill them. What if they are actually trying to help us?” Vincent stared at her for a good 30 seconds before answering her “Trust me, I’ve been in this hell hole for more than 3 years. They are trying to kill us.” “ok..” She slowly pulled out the knife out of her microscopic pocket. How did it even fit in there in the first place? The pocket was like a good 15 centimeters deep and the knife was like 30 centimeters odd. “Are you sure we should do this?” “Yes.” Esdella was drawn to the bitter, the touch of the poison looked so cool but what if it was so deadly? Indeed it was. It could kill an elephant is such a tiny drop. “3” “2” “1” Stab. They did it! In joy they slid back down the chimney, and dropped the knife on the way but the poison smeared down the chimney.. There was no escape back up. Eh- who cared.. Definitely not Esdella or Vincent and no i’m not going to end this with a And they lived happily ever after. What if I said they didn’t live happily ever after.. What if they lived an amazing life but also in guilt of being a murderer. It didn’t matter, at least they did the right thing.

Whats in the chimney – Chapter 2

           What’s in the chimney?

                        Chapter 2 – By Harlie Bella


Esdella panicked as she saw the rust and spiders in her hospital room. She told herself to calm down but she couldn’t, as she looked around she felt sick because of how it looked. Outside of the room it was quiet, although it felt off.Inside, it was terrifying, she would’ve been outside if she had a choice but she didn’t have one.At that moment Esdella rushed to move her arms and legs to see if they were broken, yes!! She could move them, desperately she rushed off of the hospital bed and ran to the door as fast as her little legs could go. Suddenly, she heard something, it sounded like someone was.. Calling her? Terrified, she banged on the door hoping for it to burst open but it didn’t work. Instead she tried the handle but … CRASH!!! The door crashed open and Esdella saw a silhouette of a woman or was it a man, at this point she didn’t even want to know. “Oh darling, are you feeling better?” A voice said. Esdella looked up nervously and saw a nurse looking directly at her, she gulped and stared at her back. “M..ye..”     “Pardon?” “Yes.” Esdella muttered. “ Oh well you have to stay here until us nursy-wursys make sure you’re properly healed” “B-b-but” “ No buts! Now back to your bed” As the nurse pinched Esdella’s hand, she was scared for eternity. The nurse left the room. Esdella heard something coming from the chimney?Walking across the room she looked up the chimney.. She saw ….

Beneath the Parks edges – Chapter 1

                                                  Beneath the lands in the park

                                                               Chapter 1

                                                          By Harlie Bella


Esdella arrived at the Misk Park which is also known as the ‘haunted park’, right as it turned pitch black at night.As  she opened the gate she saw suspicious surroundings, as in moving swings when there as in no breeze nor anyone else there, she could hear children laughing,crying and screaming. A door creaked open, twisting her head around as fast as a bullet , there was noone there.She could hear the wind howling loudly and foxes crawling around in the bushes looking for food, although they were making a racket.Voices whispering behind her back but still no one was there . Someone or was it something, was creeping up on Esdella, as fast as she could she ran as fast as a cheetah across the park . Until she tripped over the most probably smallest thing ever. Her heart was pumping like it never had before, suddenly she heard voices again but this time saying “ Oh what pretty eyes you have! Why can’t I have those eyes?” Soon after hearing those words she couldn’t see anything through her left eye. Screaming in terror she kicked her legs out as far as they would go, she started running until. She didn’t feel anything, for a couple of seconds, although it felt like decades more like centuries. Suddenly she was awake again, she woke up on a … hospital bed?.. Was it all a nightmare? Was it even real in the first place?…

How to take care of a Phoenix



























How to care for a Phoenix

By Harlie Bella


Are you looking after a phoenix and don’t know how to take care of it? Do you want to know how to take care of this extravagant creature? Well fear not, read this and you’ll be set to take care of a phoenix! 


What you need: Buckets of lava, a massive garden, lots of sun, tinned dog food, pillows, trees for resting and jalapenos.


What you need to do:


First, make sure you put your pet phoenix in a shady area outside to keep her cool, not freezing, if it starts raining. You don’t want your pet phoenix to be cold or else she will freeze unfortunately. If you keep her in the shade for more than 10-15 minutes she will freeze still, sadly. Make sure you also keep pillows outside for comfort. 


Next, put open tins of dog food outside because they surprisingly eat dog food, also leave buckets of lava outside ONLY if it’s hot so she can bathe. DO NOT let her touch,drink or bathe in water. She will have an allergic reaction since she is allergic to water as most fire phoenixes are.


Then, when she’s playing the flute make sure you put the song Its Been So Long by The Living Tombstone on so she will play the song for you. If you’re lucky enough she might even dance for you!


Also, take your pet phoenix on a walk three times a week to keep her healthy and for exercise. If there are dogs or cats nearby do NOT take her on a walk she will get frightened.


After that, make sure you give your pet phoenix a lot of fuss,love and care, or else she will eventually ditch you and find a new loving and caring owner because you didn’t treat her well.


Later on, at night time make sure you keep her inside at night so she won’t escape or get hurt. Make sure when you sleep she is in your room as well with her food and water in there bowls.


Finally, if your phoenix starts getting bigger or eating more or less it is fine. All of this is natural if something bad happens it might be the end for your pet phoenix sadly.





Breaking News!

Harlie Bella

As the sun peeped, Avani , the local horse tamer , identified a large, peach and black spotted alicorn trespassing with curiosity down the roads of Heightington Place.

Avani Birchforest, had been woken up by the sound of crashing near her barn. However when she passed by she couldn’t believe her eyes when she saw the MYSTICAL CREATURE. “Oh honestly I was so shocked when I saw what I think was an alicorn. It was amazingly beautiful and also terrifying at the same time! “ Avani has told us. Now we are going to ask another witness. Mrs Evertuilip “ I also saw that creature around that ugly barn whilst walking my Jack Russel dog. It was shocking.”

The police are still not aware if it is dangerous or passive. One of the policemen have told us that a unicornologist has said “ These alicorns are not aggressive to humans or animals and that should not shout at them, their bones are very delicate and which means their bones can be broken very easily. If you shout you will startle them and they might have a heart attack.

Go to this website wwwalicornweirdcreatures.com to find more about these magnificent creatures.

If you see one of these creatures please phone this number ——> 783 653 326 932 243 <— to win a reward of £100.

As the sun peeped, Avani , the local horse tamer , identified a large, peach and black spotted alicorn trespassing with curiosity down the roads of Heightington Place.

Avani Birchforest, had been woken up by the sound of crashing near her barn. However when she passed by she couldn’t believe her eyes when she saw the MYSTICAL CREATURE. “Oh honestly I was so shocked when I saw what I think was an alicorn. It was amazingly beautiful and also terrifying at the same time! “ Avani has told us. Now we are going to ask another witness. Mrs Evertuilip “ I also saw that creature around that ugly barn whilst walking my Jack Russel dog. It was shocking.”

The police are still not aware if it is dangerous or passive. One of the policemen have told us that a unicornologist has said “ These alicorns are not aggressive to humans or animals and that should not shout at them, their bones are very delicate and which means their bones can be broken very easily. If you shout you will startle them and they might have a heart attack.

Go to this website wwwalicornweirdcreatures.com to find more about these magnificent creatures.

If you see one of these creatures please phone this number ——> 783 653 326 932 243 <— to win a reward of £100.

As the sun peeped, Avani , the local horse tamer , identified a large, peach and black spotted alicorn trespassing with curiosity down the roads of Heightington Place.

Avani Birchforest, had been woken up by the sound of crashing near her barn. However when she passed by she couldn’t believe her eyes when she saw the MYSTICAL CREATURE. “Oh honestly I was so shocked when I saw what I think was an alicorn. It was amazingly beautiful and also terrifying at the same time! “ Avani has told us. Now we are going to ask another witness. Mrs Evertuilip “ I also saw that creature around that ugly barn whilst walking my Jack Russel dog. It was shocking.”

The police are still not aware if it is dangerous or passive. One of the policemen have told us that a unicornologist has said “ These alicorns are not aggressive to humans or animals and that should not shout at them, their bones are very delicate and which means their bones can be broken very easily. If you shout you will startle them and they might have a heart attack.

Go to this website wwwalicornweirdcreatures.com to find more about these magnificent creatures.

If you see one of these creatures please phone this number ——> 783 653 326 932 243 <— to win a reward of £100.

The Forest Alicorn

The  Forest  Alicorn


By Harlie Bella


                                           Appearance and more

Robin (my alicorn) has eyes which are as green as an emerald , her eyes can hypnotise other animals -especially horses- . Fantastically, also her wings can glow in the dark, only for two hours maximum , and her bright green hooves help her run as fast as a cheetah (or even faster! ) and also to run from the predators in the Forest Of Doom-the humans call it that because of all of the extravagant animals you can find in this forest.




Amazingly, Robin lives in Hiber-full woods -you might have heard of it-! There are animals of ENTIREE creativity here, anyway back to about the habitat. In Hiber-full woods there’s a wonderful pond where most animals gather around for food like salmon,tropical fish and more! There’s also unicornologists who mostly come on the weekends to discover more about these EXTRAVAGANT animals, in the depths of the woods.

Curiously, the unicornologists report that there have also been hearing very strange noises like children crying underground, this has prevented some unicornologists from coming to Hiber-full woods ( people are still investigating the wonders of the crying children )       



It is believed that the forest unicorn breed can shoot vines (from their hooves) to capture their prey when they want to, shocking i know right!  During the day time Robin sleeps because she is nocturnal ( it means you sleep in the day and are awake during the night) . Also they mostly use their powers for self defence.



The death breath of a fire breathing dragon.

Death breath of a fire breathing dragon.

By Harlie Bella


What is hot? The engine of a jet-plane zooming across the sky,the death breath of a fire breathing dragon and the core in the centre of the Earth.


What is cold? The wet nose of a dog called Kyro sat on a rusty chair, hail in the freezing cold and a stare from a cold-blooded animal.


What is dark? The sky at midnight,a dead child’s hallucinations of realistic nightmares and the heart of a murderer.


What is light? A heart of a sweet child, the stars shimmering in the night sky and a cloud as light as cotton candy.


What is tall? A giraffe searching for leaves amongst the African Planes,the Big Ben and a skyscraper.


What is short? An ant carrying food to feed its colony.one of a tables egs and me compared to my Uncle Matthew.