Tag Archives | Magdalena


Flameipedes are a deadly insect that have been known to be used as a lethal weapon by a scientist in Russia. The scientist is known to have mutated the once-friendly insect to a deadly scare and have reproduced enough to be able to take over towns and villages.

The appearance of the Flameipede is not very basic, in fact it is the opposite. Scientists in London have examined the insect and found out that it is not like other creepy crawlies with exoskeletons. It’s shell does not come off, but grows slowly with the insect itself. Containing a row of perfect, blood-red circles on it’s back, the Flameipede is much easier to spot during daytime due to these spots. These creatures are deaf and can only sense anything by minuscule vibrations of it’s prey.

However, majority of Russia’s population have decided not to pay much attention and have been attacked by the creature. The insects inject venom into a human by crawling onto a human and touching it’s skin – when the Flameipede can sense a heartbeat, it lets venom seep out of tiny pores (too little to be seen by a microscope) on it’s feet. The effects of being injected by a Flameipede are fatal – or kill. If the venom doesn’t kill you, then you would faint, have seizures and blood clots regularly. Astonishingly, though the effects are so bad – about one percent of the world’s population has enough immunity to make the effects go away, 

So, now you know enough – keep safe, will you?

Maybe the building with the black bricks and the golden roof tiles.

Lara was returning home from school until she stopped, ankle deep in a puddle that appeared during last night’s downpour. Her trainers flooded with chilly puddle water and her socks absorbed it all, as she stared at a strange looking building. It’s black bricks and  golden roof tiles glittered with rain and the windows were strange and blackened. This wasn’t a normal shop, house or whatever it was.

Stepping soggily and hesitantly, Lara placed her foot in front of the other absent-mindedly and soon enough she was stood at the flame-coloured door. A serpent-shaped knocker had been attached to the middle of the door and the red-orange paint was peeling off. Lara placed her intrigued hand on the snake’s eyes and ran it down it’s body. Suddenly,  she couldn’t resist it and burst through the door and almost immediately, a rush of piping-hot adrenaline ran through her veins. Her pupils widened and she looked around with astonishment.

The recipe for Hogwarts

A pinch of magic,
a mound of danger,
a tower of secrets
and a smidge of love.

A mind of bravery,
a handful or two of good will,
a hearty passion for rule-breaking,
and a heaped table spoon of compassion.

A bunch of cruelty,
fist-fulls of neglect,
a wave of ignorance,
yet ambition galore.

Glasses of wisdom,
buckets of wit,
Chips of humour
and ounces of pride.

Kilos of patience,
smiling mouthfuls of kindness,
loads of honesty
And baskets of love.

Magda SHCPChorley- Door poem

teachinglive.net  – Session 2; Term 3

Magdalena – Sacred Heart Chorley: Year 6 


Go and open the crimson door,

maybe you’ll taste a hint of chilli,

see a flaming Phoenix,

or smell the captivating scent of spaghetti bolognese.


Go and open the wardrobe door, maybe you’ll hear it creak and expose dull shirts,

protect secret letters in hidden compartments,

or sniff the musky smell of settling dust.


Go and sneak through the kitchen door,

maybe you’ll find piles of potatoes in cupboards,

jiggle lumpy black currant jelly,

or squeeze a mouldy lemon slice.


Go and open the freezer door,

feel the cold,

taste the ice,

or hear the crackle of ice moving around.


Go and open the cat flap,

smell the fresh air outside, hear the birds tweet and flutter around,

or spot a caterpillar munching a leaf.

The room of pencils…

teachinglive.net  – Session 1; Term 3

Magdalena – Sacred Heart Chorley: Year 6 


The room of pencils…

I crept into the room of pencils,

 and they drew me a path through to a sofa they sketched.


I sat on the drawn sofa in the room of pencils, 

and watched as they doodled altitudinous lampposts that glowed with a bright light.


I stood up in the room of pencils,

and saw the pencilled roses blooming with a gloomy, but pretty, grey.


I knelt down near the pencilled roses, 

and smelled a scent of fresh graphite and nostrils pricked with the strangeness of the perfume.


I watched the room of pencils,

and waved a small goodbye as I gripped the outline of a door handle.

“Don’t banish me, bro”

“Don’t banish me, bro.”

Pandora sighed as she waited for her sister Penelope to reach Magicis, she was sat on the edge of the cliff, waving her legs. She reached for a small, silver pebble that fit perfectly in her hand. It was covered in white moss and Pandora slid her finger along the little patch of moss. Looking into the distance, she raised her hand and pelted the pebble into the black waters. ‘Surprisingly,’ she thought ‘I am going to die of boredom waiting for her.’ Lying on her back with her legs dangling off the cliff, Pandora groaned loudly. She closed her eyes and continuously kicked her legs and banged them on the stone below her. “Hello.” A voice said from above her. “What are you doing.”

Opening her eyes, Pandora moaned: “Nothing. Go away.”

“No.” The figure said. “I don’t think I want to.”

“GO AWAY!” She cried, swinging her legs up and furiously standing up. Pandora folded her arms and clenched her fists, looking at Cheyenne. “I think I told you to leave.”

“You cannot tell me what to do. This is my planet and if you threaten me to leave again, I will banish you.”

Pandora laughed at the word banish and shoved past Cheyenne. “Ok seriously. Don’t banish me, bro.”

Should dragons live locally? Grass Dragons.

Should grass dragons live locally?

(YES)<—                                                                                                                                                     NO

Having been tested non-stop since lockdown began, the grass dragon has been proven to have a stomach that will eat unconditionally, especially grass, which has been thought of to maintain local grass levels throughout parks and gardens. Also, it’s not their fault that they are homeless and don’t have a proper habitat due to climate change. Grass dragons have been trained to soak the nutrition out of grass to crate juice. Which has been known locally as “Grassmazing!”. With what the dragon eats, it creates a brick that is possible to be tapped out of the dragon. To tap a brick out of the dragon, you have to find it’s special pattern of scales and tap them in a strange order. This can be used to create environmentally friendly houses.


YES                                                                                                                                                   —>  (NO)

These dragons are unable to control the amount they eat, unless they are stopped by a specialist. Who are very rare. It is easy to be trained as a Grass Dragon Specialist, although it is expensive and costs a thousand pounds per lesson. But many people don’t mind, because it would be worth it. Although they have been nice in the laboratory, nobody knows if they are aggressive in the busy towns. They may cause chaos around parks, because sometimes the dragons fight over a very nutritious patch of grass or they could make the grass to short.


I’ve never…

I’ve never wished upon a shooting star,

but I have wished upon an eyelash.


I’ve never won the lottery,

but I have found a coin on the street.


I’ve never been around the Milky Way,

but I have eaten a Milky Way chocolate bar.


I’ve never seen a roaring dino,

but I have seen a woofing dog.


I’ve never been across the Pacific,

but I have sloshed around in a paddling pool.

The test

“Does everybody understand the rules?” Asked Miss Zuzzanna. The class replied with a slow, moan version of ‘yes’. Their teacher was about to start the test timer, but a loud thud on the door distracted each person in the room. “Hey, Miss Zuzzanna!” A voice yelled, “could you let me in?” A sea of murmurs and and chatters flowed through the classroom. The teacher sighed and click-clacked over to the door. She unlocked it and Maria Sładowska ran in, explaining every reason she was late.

Maria threw her bag down, next to an empty desk and sat down. She glanced at the girl next to her, Lena Owsiańska. Lena was glaring at her test paper, clutching her pen. A few awkward moments later, the teacher got up and called: “you may start your test  as soon as the timer starts.”

When the timer had started, Maria scrambled through her bag for her pencil case. She quickly pulled it out, but it was open, so each and every piece of stationary dropped onto the floor. She gasped and fell onto the floor, to gather up her pencils. However, her pencil had rolled to the front of the class.

She couldn’t go there, she would get into trouble. Or worse.

Was it the end?

Gwendolyn creeped slowly up the stairs. The bricks around her were a shade of deep brown. They shimmered as the white moonlight reflected off them. The ceiling was covered in intricate cobwebs and the floorboards were creaky and dislocated. The windows had small, skinny raindrops flowing down them. Something moved when she looked around. Gwen reached for a rusted, golden doorknob attached to a huge dark oak door. It was dented and the colour was fading.