Tag Archives | Trinnity

home coming

Chapter one – on the run  


Finally, it was time to leave.


That afternoon, the radio came on. The radio people said that the 

Grom was only two doors down from them. So Cathrine  swept up some food,

Water, weapons, clothes and soft blankets form the room. She got Exaver and Elly 

And entered the tunnel.


So Cathrine, Exaver and baby Elly set off into the dark, cold, frosty and full of snow 

Tunnel. Sometimes baby Elly was carried. A day later they got out of the tunnel.

They  appeared into the forest but it was meant to lead  them to the underground 

Bunker but it had not. So they built a shelter for Elly to sleep and so they were cosy.

They got wet from the rain so they got into some warm clouds.


The three rabbits had paws on the map at all times but they left paw prints in the snow so Grom fallod them. They got throne the forest and was at the cabin but the 

Grom lost there paw prints the rabbits went for a walk in the forest to get some


But the Grom was there so Cathrine and Exaver got their weapons out and made the Gorm go away forever. The rabbits were safe and went back  to their home.


Aa’s Cathrine, Exaver and baby Elly got home. Their home was trashed so they peard round the corner and  they sor the Gorm.


Chapter two – The cadin


Baby Elly was looking at the Gorm who was looking at their map. Cathrine got up and she got Exaver and baby Elly up. Reddy to pack they looked at their map  and said we will travel to cabin two. So they gathered their things and set off into the snow storm. They had seen a weird  creacher in the snow.  They had got to the cabin two all of them were so cold and had to go collect some firewood but Cathrine sore a weird creacher agen.


She got back to the cabin and Exaver had filled it up with snow, Cathrine said to Exaver “you nead to look after Elly not fill the cabin with snow!.”Cathrine said, “you nead to stay inside at all times because there is a weird creacher outside.”Exaver was scared and Elly was sleepy. She huddled up to Cathrine. Exaver said to Cathrine what time did we leave this morning she said we left at 5:00 am and got here at 8:00 pm. Elly could not speas yet so she could not say to Cathrine or Exaver that the Gorm nos were we are, Cathrine said to Exaver that she could hear voices in the trees as she and he fell asleep…


Chapter three – The runaway 


They woke up and sore the Gorm so they started to run as fast as they could to the snow caves. As there was a snow storm they had snow all over them. Baby Elly was so cold. Cathrine said just keep running. They was scared and their cloves were full of snow. The wind pushing them back was so hard to run flawed. 


The got to the snow caves Baby Elly said to Cathrine are we safe here?” 

Cathrine said yes we are safe. Exaver said can we have some hot chocolate please?” Cathrine said yes ok you can have some hot chocolate. So Exaver started to unpack Cathrine, lade out the sleeping bags and then sat at a cose fire.


They could feel something breathing on their necks so they turned around and they saw the Gorm. Baby Elly said her first word. It was AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH

HHHHHHHHH. The Gorm had picked them up. 


 Before she tried to say anything he put the passion on them. And then they DISAPPEARED…


Chapter fore – home coming.


The Grom had put them in his prision. The three rabbits did not know where they were until the  Grom came to see them .


Grom said (I am going to eat you all up! “)


“NO!” said Chathrine, Exaver and Elly,” don’t eat us!”


As the Grom went to put the stove on, Chathrine saw something like a hole to got out of the Gorms  prision. They started to climb, they made a hole but the Gorm came back and turned into ash because he can not see daylight  or he will turn into ash.


They escaped . They said “the Gorm will never come back. Yay . So they started travelling back home. They got back and united with their family. Elly said “where is mum, dad”? Their dad said the Gorm executed her. Chathrine said this has to be the worse christmas. They all were sad because they had no mum they all went to bed and Elly said santa has filled evre one stockings and had been.

Chapter one -on the run

Chapter one – on the run  


Finally, it was time to leave.


That afternoon, the radio came on. The radio people said that the 

Grom was only two doors down from them. So Catherine  swept up some food,

Water, weapons, clothes and soft blankets form the room. She got Exaver and Elly 

And entered the tunnel.


So Catherine, Exaver and baby Elly set off into the dark, cold, frosty and full of snow 

Tunnel. Sometimes baby Elly was carried. A day later they got out of the tunnel.

They  appeared into the forest but it was meant to lead  them to the underground 

Bunker but it had not. So they built a shelter for Elly to sleep and so they were cosy.

They got wet from the rain so they got into some warm clouds.


The three rabbits had paws on the map at all times but they left paw prints in the snow so Grom fallod them. They got throne the forest and was at the cabin but the 

Grom lost there paw prints the rabbits went for a walk in the forest to get some wood 

But the Grom was there so Catherine and Exaver got their weapons out and made the Gorm go away forever. The rabbits were safe and went back  to their home.


Aa’s Catherine, Exaver and baby Elly got home there home was trashy so they peard round the corner they sor the.

Chapter two – The cabin

Chapter two – The cadin


Baby Elly was looking at the Gorm who was looking at their map. Cathrine got up and she got Exaver and baby Elly up. Reddy to pack they looked at their map  and said we will travel to cabin two. So they gathered their things and set off into the snow storm. They had seen a weird  creacher in the snow.  They had got to the cabin two all of them were so cold and had to go collect some firewood but Cathrine sore a weird creacher agen.


She got back to the cabin and Exaver had filled it up with snow, Cathrine said to Exaver “you nead to look after Elly not fill the cabin with snow!.”Cathrine said, “you nead to stay inside at all times because there is a weird creacher outside.”Exaver was scared and Elly was sleepy. She huddled up to Cathrine. Exaver said to Cathrine what time did we leave this morning she said we left at 5:00 am and got here at 8:00 pm. Elly could not speas yet so she could not say to Cathrine or Exaver that the Gorm nos were we are Cathrine said to Exaver that she could hear voices in the trees as she and he fell a sleep.

Chapter three – The runaway

Chapter three – The runaway 


They woke up and sore the Gorm so they started to run as fast as they could to the snow caves. As there was a snow storm they had snow all over them. Baby Elly was so cold. Cathrine said just keep running. They was scared and their cloves were full of snow. The wind pushing them back was so hard to run flawed. 


The got to the snow caves Baby Elly said to Cathrine are we safe here?” 

Cathrine said yes we are safe. Exaver said can we have some hot chocolate please?. Cathrine said yes ok you can have some hot chocolate. So Exaver started to unpack Cathrine, lade out the sleeping bags and then sat at a cose fire.


They could feel something breathing on their necks so they turned around and they saw the Gorm. Baby Elly said her first word. It was AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH

HHHHHHHHH. The Gorm had picked them up. 


Cathrine said how did you find us ?


I looked  on the map you have And saw you are going to my cave.


Cathrine tried to say where are you taking us but before she tried to say anything he put the passion on them. And then they DISAPPEARED…

chapter 4

Dragemander, continued.


Chapter 4


I’m ready to legit but there is only the back of the cave facing me. The red honey como egg glowing in the dark, i notice that it is covered in shards of gold. But we are trapped; it was then Viola started talking in a smoothie quiet voice. “ it will be ok”, I counted to  say, taking steps forward. I can heir that she it tying to sound calm.


The Dragenmander pauses and toilets it’s hed. It’s red eyes are fixed on both of us. “We’re not hear to harm you or your egg. We promise you.”Viola pulls out her hands and shows we are not a threat. They both stand and look at each other. The Dragenmander seems to be listening  i said. Viola gives a low roar; the space at the back lowered. Viola is speaking to the Dragenmander and it is working.!


“Were learning,” i say, stepping to one side tugging Viola’s anrm to say we are walking past the Dragenmander. It’s eyes holding ning and within them i see hunny como shards at the night cloud. It’s red hed, and it’s clowers the Dragenmander steps back as we pass.


Outside, I take a deep breath. Insid, we her the Dragenmander riggel to her egg to warm the egg up and so the egg is safy.


The mist has cleared. Full light moon the stars twinking, their reflection specs the sea. We walk back to the hotell and that. No one must find the Dragenmander cave. Or the Dragenmander egg. Viola talks so fast I did not know what she was saying but I think she said something about what she needed to do.  Viola had handfuls of ideas. There has been a rackful and report  to he local lify grounds. Viola i said get more sing up clos off the end of the beach. 


By the time we were at the town, it was the weakened. The sun egged over the cave.billy-go-lucky is patting a few chairs as it looks like it is sunny foe onese. She waves to us with a grin. Criskeny ‘s caff is opening and she makes me a coffee. Mrs lee closes her shop in the morning.SHe set out bills on the street the water hits the sand and reflects different colours.by the time we get to the museum,the morning traffic has came upon cars travelling along the carpark to get to the beach. 


I jiggle the key and smoothly open the door inside it its nice and cool and quiet soonly it will be busy. As i open the ticket office my heart raced its the dragomander egg is it going to be hatched safely. Viola will be able to people from the baby dragon and peering eyes i say.


Viola passes over to pear at the showcase on the beach combing.I stand beside viola she points to the fragments of the sea worn glass. And i found some that were red shards with gold.We look at eachother and we think the same thing.


All day viola has had  stuck in beaks,reocordings.In a letter she finds a captains letter written in 1867. It is the story of  a fishing vessel that nobody believed to be real smoothly rocks that glow with red and shards of gold. They kept the find but that night the rock shattered and the captain told the story of how the ship was visited by devil dragon.They only just caught it into the sea ever since then nobody has spoke about it.But it would kill many mander species.



chapter 2

Chapter 2


I sit, dowen waiting to say, “what did you see outside?” I can hear the storm picking up. 

“Would you like some tea?” I ask. Pouting it off. “What did you see then?” Even before she answers, I already Know what she “is going to say. She brethtacenly said “I have seen the dragenmander!” Twenty minutes later, we had to move location so we went to the abandoned theme park.

“Violet look at the foot prints”, I said, “can you hear that?” I said, “hear what?” “never mined. It is getting very dark.”


“ ROAR!”, breathing fire out the dragenmanders mouth. “Run!” I said “. Run ouch my hair is on fire keep running ok. Go away< run, help! Help us! “There is gooey stuff on the floor help i am stuck! The stuff got me stuck. Run!. “ finally he ran away.


“But we are not saff so can we go new ! “ yes lets go then”. “ look its the dragenmander agen”.  “ I tole

d you it was not safy”. Ok you toled so new lets go before he sees us. “ROAR!” 


Its 11:33 am lets hed back. “ ok”.  Right now we are beck the dragenmander will not come. “ Roar!”. Oh no Run Run!

Dragenmander in Danjer

Dragenmander in Danger.


The Dragenmander is a variety of mammal dosely related to the malmander that lives at Eerie – on – sea. Unlike the malmander, the Dragenmalmander possesses both gills and lungs so that it can live in the ocean on land.


Dragenmander are easy to identify. They have enormous wings unlike the common sea Dragenmander. These wings are black with a grey outline so it can blend into the sand. The wings are very hard and

bony.If under threat the Dragenmander presents an attack made like the same way the dragon does it. Furthermore, the Dragenmander has long feet and colours, with webbed wings and gils. Their limbs are very strong. This  ables them to swim quite fast even in strong winds.


These magied creatures live in deserted areas, well away from shipping lenes and places where humans are found. They divide their lirau between baking in rock pools. Swimming the coastline and enjoying sun – bathing. All of this means that they are not often sean and, if anyone approaches, they dive deep or even toned into sand. They are vegetarian and  live off berries, varieties of seaweed and plankton.


It is of considerable concern that the Dragenmander is under threat, many countries around the world believe that eating their flesh is a delieucey and that they contain magical properties. The society for protection of Dragenmander is carrying out a campaign to inform the public about these wonderful creatures and to argue  for them to be made a protected species. If you find the Dragenmander call 18468332 or go to http://www.Pragenmander.Pie.uk David Attenboroug is our societies patron and said that we should ‘work to build a safer environment for these beautiful, hornless creatures that are truly one of the wonders of the world’ 


We have set up a gofund me page and got 10 million people who have donated already.

the light in things

It doesn’t have to be

The  leisure center leaves blowing 

across the river. 

Or the forest dancing with the wind

And the river flowing with the wind.


It could be the light 

Of an old book collecting dust 

Or the rane reflecting a rambo.


Be curious as a cloud:

Gust of ran  come over and 

Make a rambo 

Or a book waiting to be red

And a plant growing in the ran 

And making it blosime.

waking around brandon

On Monday, I found a king’s house,

a ruins of life as it once were, 

a kingdom of happiness before me. 

On Tuesday, I walk through the country park,

 which had a lovely watch tower and

 the forest which had lots of animals.


On Wednesday, I saw a muntjac eating food, 

Next to a river which the light was shining on it and

 a frog witch was jumping up and down and into the river.


On Thursday, I touched an old tree,

that looks very old  and the grass 

of the forest witch had all the

 Animal footprints in the grass.


On Friday, I smell the fresh coastal,

Air that is flowing through the homes and the freshcut 

green grass blowing with the wind.


On Saturday, I hear the tractors,

 driving up and down with the coastal air and the traffic 

changing every minute.

How to look after a baby goblin

How to look after a baby goblin 


Have you just been given a green baby goblin to look after? Are you wondering how you are going tomahage to take good care of a baby goblin? Read these instructions and then you will be able to have a calm pet. And watch it develop healthily.


What you need:


You need a fluffy bed for your goblin, some mossy logs, a flower pit  in The clouds on the floor, a fish pond with bubbles, clods, water, scor walls, with a soft fluffy blanket on a swing.

You need to have that stuff so they are racist and ready to lision.    


What to do:


First,create an enclosed space where your goblin will be happy and your pet won’t escape.

Next, provide a soft blanket for the goblin to be warm.

Then, play the Radio quietly so your goblin can go to sleep.,

Also, provide some fish and water for the food.

After that, stroke  your goblin softly  so it doesn’t get lonely.

Later on, make the time to play with you goblin or they might run away.

Finally, carm you pet goblin down so it can go slowly to sleep in a happy mood.


But sadly your pet needs to be let into the wild and if your pet has been tacencerof it will come back sometimes and see you so you need to be a wonderful oner.