Tag Archives | Dulcie

Dog’s perspective of I have never.

I have never swam across the Atlantic Ocean, but I have paddled in the waves of West Wittering Beach.

I have never jumped over a rainbow, but I have hopped over hurdles at my training course.

I have never ridden a cloud to heaven, but I have sat in a car with the window open!

I have never won a fight between me and a tiger, but I have barked at a innocent squirrel sat in a willow tree.

I have never sucked the biggest sweet in the world, but I have chewed a shoe from the cupboard. ( I got told off!)

The Himalayan Snow Dragon

Many breeds of dragon are found around the world and one of the rarest is the Himalayan snow dragon. They are rarely spotted by humans.

They have no wings because they walk on clouds. there soft body’ s are covered in white and light blue feathers people think they look like blue ferrets.

They live in groups of ten to fifteen. However the females hide in crevasses in the summer while the males get food.as there name suggests they live in the Himalayan mountains.


Amy shuffled back slowly to the door. She tried to open it but it was locked.

Small wet tears fell down her cheeks. Suddenly there was a loud BANG! She saw a dark figure.

She screamed GET OUT! The figure stepped out of the shadow she had long and curly black hair and yellow teeth and soul less eyes.

Inside the Forbidden Tower

The door creaked open Amy stared at a wooden table it’s legs were broken. Wall paper peeled like a snake shedding its skin on every wall. the dusty glass was broken on the window frame. Amy was scared, her heart ponded in her chest. She looked under a desk and she saw a dead rat she screamed. She saw a hand in the shadow of the table …

The Forbidden Tower

Amy stared at the old tower and her legs trembled. She stepped on the wooden steps. They creaked she tiptoed up them slowly. She felt the cold cobble walls she knocked on the door silence fell.


Leaves crunch under feet.

Cold wind brushes over grass.

Bonfires pop and crackle


Blossoms drift in wind.

Eggs crack life is formed.

Birds chirp loudly.


The cold snow falls.

Decorations hung on trees.

Icicles hang dangerously.

The Bicycle

The Bike an old treasure laying on the soft ground.

The pedals are rusty like an old cog.

A saddle ripped like an old couch.

Gears are crumbling soft as bread.

Spindles old and rusty like they are ancient.

Handel bars broken like branches.

Wheels fiat as a pancake.

What are you?

You are a Monday afternoon cold and wet as a cloud drifting in the wind.

You are a Turtle swimming over the wonderful coral reef slowly growing.

You are Buxton on a cold winter day .

You are the end.