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The Rose,Tipped Fairy

Rose-Tipped Fairy

One of the most foreboding and elusive creatures,the Rose-Tipped Fairy is a truly fascinating and incredible species to behold. Amazingly, this animal is able to withstand astounding temperatures up to 1000’C, and is a rare sight generally only found in the warmer places of Australia. 


Regarded as the fashionista of the mythical world, the Rose-Tipped Fairy is most commonly known for its unique sense of style. They have sapphire green eyes – which are mainly used for night vision as well as helping them to see (they have notoriously bad eyesight) and their skin is a glowing bronzed colour due to their love of spending time in the Australian sun. 


Interestingly,the colour of their hair comes from their meals that they eat which is mainly strawberries and leaves.They are quite healthy unless their taking a stroll with the summer fairy-they tend to munch on snacks a lot-


Surprisingly,the Rose-Tipped Fairy hates storm goblins,it makes sense really because they actually love watching the sunset!!As well as their hate.

The Green Tipped Jungle Goblin

The Green Tipped Jungle Goblin

The Green Tipped Jungle Goblin is a rare species of goblin, as it has oddly shaped ears; leaf shaped. This unusual creature can jump from tree to tree using its extendable arms but is surprisingly fat. 


These friendly creatures are extremely hard to identify, as they are the size of a spider monkey, and they have vine – like arms and legs, and an ivy cloak trailing behind them. This is helpful to them because they look more intimidating, and it is very stylish. They add to this by holding a stick staff. Underneath their cape, their body is made of thick, green leaves. This is helpful to them because it keeps them more warm and it takes predators longer to kill them. Above their body, their ears look exactly like leaves, this helps them to blend in with their surroundings, and they are more effective with hearing as they are more sensitive. On top of their head, sits a pile of leaves acting like hair. This is extremely helpful when they swing, as it does not grow longer than 5 cm so it does not get in their face when they are swinging from tree to tree. In the center of their head, they have two beedy green eyes. They are bright green because they camouflage more and they help to see in the dark. 


This creature eats several animals but its favourite animal to eat is frogs as they are more rare and slimy. This goblin is a carnivore, so it can not stand the taste of leaf and other green vegetables. They do not like the taste of mamle meat as they are very stinky and tough. Their teeth are quite fragile, so they need to be careful of what they eat. 

You will most commonly find the Green Tipped Jungle Goblin in the dense, lucious canopies of the Amazon Rainforest- where they typically enjoy the breathtaking views. This is the best place for them to live as it is full of tall, towering trees and it is the largest rainforest in the world providing them with plenty of space to live and breed. Whilst the majority of these mythical beings prefer to live on the outskirts of the rainforest (as it is here where the view is better), some choose to live in the heart of the vast jungle further away from human invasion.    

The Boulder Goblin

The Boulder Goblin


The Boulder Goblin is a very common creature but hard to find or spot,this spellbinding and unique species is at one with its surroundings and adapts its body and lifestyle to fit in with the atmosphere around it. If encountered, then do not be afraid of those ghostly eyes, as behind them there is a very friendly character that just wants to make a friend, they are also very happy to give you one of their special rocks that they hoard as a souvenir.


The Boulder Goblin has a strange but remarkable feature, with morphing scales to hide in plain sight.Their main feature is a huge, hollow quartz rock placed on their back, which they use as the entrance for their den, when they decide to make one.Their huge, bulging eyes are perfect for seeing in any light conditions or in pitch black.These creatures are very diverse as when threatened they can change their rocky exterior to any form of stone they need.At the peak of this incredible yet mysterious biped, there lies an even stranger phenomenon – a unique hairstyle which can change to suit its climate, for example a palm tree and grass or sand and seashells.


Whilst the minority of Boulder Goblins make their home on pebbly beaches, gravelly quarries or rocky peninsulas, a few can be found on stony mountains or dangerous volcanoes, but this is a more risky choice as these volcanoes are inhabited by the terribly powerful Magmarea Goblins.When a Boulder Goblin does create it’s home wherever it decides to make it, it takes off it’s stony shell and places it on the desired location to form an entrance to its den, then it digs a burrow where it will hide all of its precious stones and rocks.

Sewer goblin

Sewer Goblin-Farndon Primary School!


The Sewer Goblins are one of the tiniest, most disgusting breeds of goblin you could ever possibly imagine! They are 10cm tall-which is their full height- and unusual looking. These goblins live in the sewers ( which are really really stinky) Amazingly,these Animals are very sociable creatures and have many friends which live in the sewers with them.


My Goblin always dresses up in a large, thick,yellow raincoat: which is covered in moss from the sewer. He also wears long, yellow wellies which you can see in the dark gloomy night!! My goblin has thin, oily hair with loads of sewage waste scattered throughout it. This goblin has pointy, carrot like fingers with black crease lines across his forehead. Funnily, my goblin has white, dirty knobbly knees which are so thin you could see the bones through his skin.

The *Out Of This World* Galaxy Gerbil!

Galaxy Gerbil.


Interestingly, the galaxy gerbil has a magical dimensional gate which can send anything or anyone into another far away galaxy. This rare species can’t be sighted anywhere on Earth, but it can be found on any asteroid belt in existence. One of the most fascinating features about this stunning creature is that it has telekinesis! It uses his unbelievable power to knock the biggest of planets out of its orbit! It’s mental!


This incredible creature has many different features and the ones already mentioned are just the beginning. His appearance includes a strong, expanding tail which can whack away meteors and save planets from total destruction. As he was born in something called the ‘Galaxy void,’ it is covered in stardust, that glows a blazing violet and azure like the galaxy surrounding it. Its eyes are formed as miniature stars, leaving a trail of them behind. 


With all of those unusual and intriguing facts out of the way, there’s still many more to come! We mentioned before that he can be found in any meteors in the asteroid belt. He can also be found riding around the solar system on his little rocket boots. From Earth, you may even spot a shooting star (the size of a sports car, but blinding) then you never know, you might have just spotted a Galaxy Gerbil! 


One thing we forgot to mention is what it feasts on. This creature would fly over to dwarfester city. This is a city full of dwarf planets, and the Galaxy Gerbil would go up to it, and take one for it to eat in only 7 days! These animal creations also snack on their meteor home if they get extra hungry.


Overall, these creatures are oddly amazing and amusing, and are very extraordinarily rare to find!

The Tornado Goblin

The tornado  goblin


The tornado  goblin  is  a   rare  species in   the   world  today  it   Some goblins eat in  other sites  and they   pickup  cars and  bikes and throw them around like a little toy. If they are thirsty, they usually drink the sea by spinning around like a fidget spinner.


They can  make  a   tornado  and  pick up a sea boat,  sea  Animals and also the Antarctic. Usually Tornado Goblins are mean and can pick up heavy stuff.  


Indeed they  can  spin  like  a  fidget spinne  and are the fastest in the world. In fact, it spins around very fast and then rolls off to another country.