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“Hurry up!” shouted Lennon running through a abandoned door. They ran across a rusty floor and hid in a cupboard  Lennon heart beat like a rocket that crashed.

Without a sound Lennon closed his eyes he could hear whistling they could see it getting closer and closer…

The Conifer Tree

The Conifer Tree

The conifer tree is as green as
grass in the warm calm light.

The conifer tree is as green as slime,
blocks like a cactus .

The conifer tree is like a bush,
The conifer tree is like a green bottle

The conifer tree is like a green gummy bear



Are you like me

You are a humble heroic hero flying  through the sky entering  space,

You are a jigsaw dancing calmly  in the  twilight  sky,

Your curios dinosaur guilty walking in the suspicious jungle,

you are a  beautiful  golden shimmering  sun set,

You are a marvicous exciting elephant exscaping happily  to happy  warm home.