Tag Archives | Freya

The magic newcomer

Chapter Three – The Magic Newcomer


Something was lurking in the field of grass! Oliver, who’s hand was shaking, reached out and pushed the grass to one side. Underneath was what looked like a baby pixie! It had beautiful blue eyes, a small pink nose, floaty gold wings and an indigo flower carefully placed on her blond silky hair.

Alice quickly tiptoed towards the pixie, whose face twinkled, trying not to frighten her, she scooped her up, gently placing her in one of Alice’s shoes. The pixie, whose face was now smiling and giggling, seemed to have no mother or father. Oliver, who had now realised she wasn’t all that bad, peered over and wondered what she was called. They decided to call her Echo. Oliver was still slightly unsure though, “What if her mother comes back!” he mentioned. “She won’t,” Alice assured him. They headed to the beach to assemble a camp for the night.

chapter two of the soft horn adventures

Chapter 2


The sky ship somersaulted through the air tumbling and turning as she thumped down on a massive turf of green. Oliver pulled out Lilly from his hood, Alice turned, Lilly had been badly injured, her paw bleeding staining Oliver’s hand with a crimson liquid. They wished Dad was there but they decided to look for a bandage.

Alice stared around the field. Surrounding her, indigo flowers with uneven gold centres waved in the breeze. Among the flowers were several rose bunnies, springing around like kangaroos. In the distance she saw a flowing sapphire river including three fairly large pebbles, clearly used for leaping across to pass the stream. Further on, Alice could just make out a delightful amber beach with lapping navy waves. Above this lay a beautiful melting sunset, gradually lowering into the ocean.

The twins decided to go to the stream and at least wash off the blood. They stumbled out of the field, trying their hardest to keep Lilly calm and headed for the water.

By the time they reached the stream, both Alice and Oliver were very tired and delighted to get to some flowing water.

At that moment they heard a mysterious noise…

The Soft Horn adventures

The Soft Horn adventures


“Where are you?” Alice questioned, puzzled by the tough game off hide and seek. She and Oliver, her twin brother, were best friends. A face popped out from behind the palm tree, “There you are!” Oliver was hidden under their Dad’s old gardening tools, eyes teary with laughter.


They loved being the crew of the Soft Horn. The Soft Horn was a rainbow spaceship. It had cosy rooms and a spacious garden filled with fresh green grass, an ancient shed and a palm tree, constantly giving coconuts. Alice was the story writer of the ship. Each night she would write a new story and read it to Oliver who was the lookout boy. He was always climbing onto the shed and checking for danger -there never was any though. Their dad used to be captain but he died seven years ago as he fell off the edge of the Soft Horn. Ever since they had been the only crew. The sky ship was their home even though their Dad wasn’t there and it soared through the air every second.


Alice, her brother Oliver, and her pet racoon, Lilly, were outside in the garden of the Soft Horn playing games when all of a sudden Lilly ran up the palm tree and refused to come down. The twins tried everything: whistling, putting a log down to make it easy for her to come, even luring her down with her favourite nut: cashews. Nothing was working. They could tell something was wrong, they would have to go up and collect her.


Knowing this was dangerous, Oliver hiked up the log to get to the branches, but to his surprise they seemed to be going off course and down! They were crashing into a tropical island. Oliver grabbed the racoon and jumped of the tree warning Alice about what he saw. They prepared themselves for a large smack and snatched the parachutes from the captain’s cupboard. Snuggling Lilly in their arms, they jumped off the Soft Horn. But did they land on the island?

what I would take on a sky ship

What I would take on a sky ship


. I would take a banana giving orangutan, that can grant you the power to run as speedily as they swing.


. I would take an x-ray telescope, crammed with crystal gems, that can see through walls.


. I would take an ocean blue shirt presenting you with the power to swim to safety – in case you crash into the sea.


. I would take an everlasting blackberry bush to satiate

your hunger if stranded on an island.


. I would take a qualified acrobat to keep everyone entertained.

6 things found in a Dwarf’s Knapsack

6 things found in a Dwarf’s Knapsack

A stilt (to be able to reach unbelievable heights) to play in the trees.

A cloak (with mystical powers to make the wearer crystal clear) to be hidden      amongst the trees.

An entity detector (to be able to scan the area for vicious death-defying predators) to stay out of trouble.

An ancient artefact (from the treacherous tombs of King Tutankhamun) to control deadly disasters.

A mysteries song (to paralyze humongous forbidden creatures) to defend themselves.

A bottle of booming thunder (glinting light in the rain) to spark a toasty crackling fire.



The Dragon

The Dragon


The dragon wakes,

tired as a sloth.


His curious sleepy eyes ready for adventure,

Gleaming with indigo light.


A stubby tail flickers like a fire yawning.


His velvety tongue soft like marshmallows.


As his miniscule claws stretch like a kitten lounging in the sunshine,

they glitter and shine with moonlight.


He soars away on sapphire wings leaving behind his snug cave as he glides through the fluffy clouds.




Are you the golden sun slowly falling onto a watery field of bluebells?

Are you the clear night sky crammed with floating gems?

Are you the salty taste of lapping waves flowing onto the glittering beach?

Are you the lumpy landscapes coated in basil-tinged grass on a scorching summers day?

Are you a cheeky seagull sneaking a freshly baked pasty into his greedy beak?

Are you the dazzling sun shining brightly through the trees?

Are you the towering tin mines covering the grassy hills with hazel stones?

Are you St Piran floating across the ocean on a granite millstone?

You are the charming Cornwall filled with cheerful people.


Polly and the magical shell

Long, Long ago, There was a poor girl called Polly who lived in a strange, little cottage next to the beach. Early one morning, she went for a walk with a rusty bike to collect shells. Polly collected flat shells, curved shells and thin shells. Suddenly, she found the most beautiful shell. Slowly, she picked up the shell which was glistening in the sun. Lying next to the rock pool, the shell spoke. ” I will grant you two wishes so choose wisely!”


Chapter 1

It was a dark night in February. The rain splashed down on the soaked tarmac, the streetlights had a never-ending flicker, shadows kept creeping up on you and making everything that little bit worse.

Amelia Bow Storm stood there for a second. Her hair flicked over her face as she stared at the ground, watching the rain battering the floor. She could see her destination only a couple of steps away now. Another gush of rain spout through the gaps in between the buildings.

Amelia could see the guard checking people’s identifications to let them past. Ordering most of them back, she started to get prickles on her arms – goose bumps. She couldn’t stop herself from shivering.

“Move!” Demanded the guard, pointing his finger straight towards the exit. Amelia was even more worried than before. She felt she could freeze to death. An enormous rain drop splashed down on her head.

“Where are you going young lady?” Shouted the man with no care in his voice. Amelia didn’t know what to say. She began to make an excuse for being there.

“Um, I need to um … take some food to my mother.” The guard cut Amelia off as she started to elaborate.

“NEXT!” demanded the man, pointing his finger to the exit again. But Amelia didn’t move. She needed to be somewhere – she needed to be with her mum. Amelia panicked and she sprinted past the guard as fast as she could.

“STOP RIGHT THERE!” screamed the guard. “Get her!”

Amelia ran hard for ten minutes. Exhausted, she found a small, dark alleyway with little hope. However, she decided to head down. She found a door and pushed it open. Inside was swarmed with cobwebs. She crouched down and decided to stop there. Hoping the guards wouldn’t find her here, she sat down to have a rest from all the chaos.