Tag Archives | Kyla-WPS

Visit the Emporium

Have you ever been in your room and thought to yourself, Wow my life is really boring. Well I have the thing for you. The Emporium is now open for business and a great surprise to her. ITS ALL FREE! So let your imagination run wild and come to M67 on Mill Street.

Here you can see.

: Antiques from Asia, Africa and America

: Rooms of illusions

Also for our V.I.P area you will see many more exclusive items but for this only kids go free so make sure your ready!

chapter 3

The bunker had always been nothing to anyone who went past, of course nobody dared to go near, until… The girl, her name was Vanessa she was quite the popular, nice girl type of girl. Everyone at school adored her. On a sunny Saturday she decided to go on a walk which was when she found the bunker she had never been to the park she was at so she decided to go in but as soon as she stepped at front door everybody around her disappeared but she still went in… When she went in she found herself stranded alone some place she didn’t know and when she looked back nothing was there not even a door. After a while of searching she heard him. ” WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE GAT OUT NOW!” Was she even more popular now if you know what I mean?

In the room of…

In the room of nightmares,
I watched as all the poor children
suffer in there scare fest of a night.

In the room of life,
I stood as my head filled
with all these creepy thoughts.

In the room of light,
I stayed as I got blinded
by the formation of the lights.

In the room of emotion,
I was terrified as I watched
millions of faces laugh at me.

In the room of flowers,
I stood while the room
filled with a lovely sent.

In the room of seasons,
Snow was all around
leaves were falling
sand on the ground
and love all around.