Tag Archives | S4 St Wilfrid’s Catholic Primary School

the nosey giraffe and the sparkle flower

The roots are very dark and the stems fall off in Autumn It starts to die but comes back at spring and summer.

This flower is super rare The nosey giraffe

This nosey giraffe’s diet is crocodiles and other nosey giraffes. It has very long ears, four arms and four legs.

There are a lot of us in the dessert and we love to roll on the sand. They are very calm with humans and they are very soft.

They live deep under the sand and they even love to eat chickens, birds, and fish. They have sense of smells to hunt for animals. Also, it has camouflage.

They have good eye sense so that they can see everything also they can run very fast but they can easily trip on the steep sand.


The sparkle flower

The sparkle flower is very sparkly and glittery if you touch the flower you will turn into an animal but sparkly.

to find but no one has ever found it before. Consequently, bees can’t even steel the nectar because they will turn into something else.

This is the best flower ever. It can only be found in the month of April; it goes away after September.


The Spider Bee

The Spider Bee

The fascinating spider bee, which has made its name spread all over Europe, has worried many Belgian scientists. After being kept a secret for over ten years, many thought them to be extinct. However, this unknown predator is now openly killing animals such as cows and sheep.

According to recent footage, they has been spotted attacking humans. Even though they have been hit by many weapons, they appear to use their specially adapted spikes and sharp teeth to cut like a dagger through the heart of their prey. After that, it was then seen eating all the meat from those animals.

However, although this seems a threat to society, this species are actually quite beneficial to humans. They have provided us with magical honey and materials for bullet proof vests. Sadly, the Spider Bee’s numbers have rapidly decreased in the last thirty years – going down by over 30%.

If you do see one of these animals, quickly run and hide because if it is injured, or has recently been attacked itself, it will kill anything that is in its sight. Do not approach this animal. It is extremely strong and its spikes have a high chance of blocking anything you do to try and overthrow it.

This superior animal produces its own light to seek out prey in the dark. Interestingly, this creature is therefore very clear to see at night with its flashing black and yellow stripes which glisten and shine. Surprisingly, this creature is usually found in farmer’s fields or long damp grass. An important fact to remember about the Spider Bee is that until it is five months old, it is very weak.

Imaginary things

The Orange Toucan

The Orange Toucan is a type of legendary bird. Additionally, they always go up to people who talk quietly. Also, they have glass eyes and they might look gold but they are orange. Interestingly, they fly amazingly. Their beak is orange but a bit darker. Mostly, they magically become invisible. They may be shy but incredibly magic. However, sometimes they can hiss at people if they talk loudly.


The Hedchog Plant

The Hedchog plant is an amazingly spiky plant. However, it is a very dangerous plant. If you ever see it never speak about it near it because it can shoot out spikes at you and you could get poisoned and get ill for all of your life. If you do want to get spiked, then good luck. WARNING: Look out and be safe or else you will regret life.

The mysterious world

The Eyeless Horse

The Eyeless horse is from the afterlife after dying or being killed. They are a ghostly form which appears at certain times in different places and has inhabited the earth for over 120 years.

Its crimson eyes have been replaced black holes made by dark magic, given to these creatures by the goddess of death, Iren. These amazing creatures are predators and are very stealthy so they can hide in tall grass areas and blend in. Furthermore, they also have pointed spikes on their hooves to pin their prey down and attack other predators.

These creatures used to live at St George’s Cliff but have separated due to their leader being killed by poachers. As a result of this, there are only a small amount of these species in the entire world.

Scientists have still not worked out a cure for people who have been attacked by this deadly species, so if you ever happen to see one of these creatures you should lie down and be as still as possible to avoid danger.


Hypnotizing Iris

The Hypnotizing Irises purple leaves are fed on by the Eyeless horse, which grows in Emerald Valley where its stunning colours shine the best. However, this plant is none the less one of the most dangerous species in the world because when people try to take this flower back to their home, it hypnotizes which puts the victims in a never-ending sleep. Scientists say this could be the cause of the disease Anaemia as many reports have said.

Additionally, its green, luscious stem has spike-like thorns to protect itself from predators or humans. Infact, because of this special feature, less predators try to retrieve this cautious plant. Moreover, its staple diet is based of dead insects and other plants. In recent years, the numbers of this extravagant plant has decreased by millions but its cause is unknown.

The Geo-Worm

The Geo-Worm

The Geo-Worm is one of the many beasts that has invaded earth in the recent years along with The Hopple, HippoGryphs and many others. This beast was thought to be extinct in 1738 after the Titan-fall (A mass event were all of the Titans were killed). However, it has re-emerged after 282 years of presumed extinction.

Contrary to popular belief, the 700-foot giant (213 metres) is a force certainly not to be reckoned with. It has recently been sighted in most African countries, the most popular ones being Egypt and Zimbabwe, Australia was another that has been sight making scientists believe that they can swim.

How to kill a Geo-Worm

A common question that Scientists or Zoologists is, “How do I kill one is I’m seen by it?” the short answer would be to get to higher grounds i.e a hill, or mountain as it is hard for a Geo-Worm to traverse in rock. A Geo-Worm has a one eye and if you blind it, it will make it harder for them to kill you, but they may also ask, “What about the antennae that they have?” And, that is a problem, but the chances of you seeing one and fighting it are very slim. Geo-Worms tend to stay underground and they use vibrations to hunt. A man named John McCarthey was successful in killing a worm. You probably already know how the story goes. He cuts the eye out, then he cuts the antennae and then he kills it.

A Geo-Worms Diet

A Geo-Worms diet consists of cattle such as Crowcows, Catcows and Crococows. It also eats pigs, sheep, cherki’s, cats and dogs. Another thing that they can eat, but only ever eat it when they absolutely have to is soil, rocks, sand and gravel. They manage this by grinding up the porducts, they swallow the now turned mush and repeat the process as many times as they need.

Additionally, a Geo-Worm slither beneath the surface and one could even be under you right now! They do this by using claws and spade like diggers that are around their body. Furthermore, it has pincers, quite like a crab, to hold its enemies and crush them so they can freely eat them while their dead. As well as, using the pincers to crush their enemies it has a toxic venom inside of the tips of them, they use this to paralyse their prey.

Amazingly, since its re-discovery in the previous years, the population has sky-rocketed and has gone up by 85%! The life expectancy of one of these worms is about 1,350 years! Females normally reproduce 4 to 6 times in their lifespan. They have also been sighted in rockier countries such as Brazil, Canada and Russia.


The Spiker Plant

Spiker Plant

This magnificent aspect of nature has been declining in number recently. It is thought to be because of the scary things it does to animal life. However, this fascinating creature isn’t actually as bad as many perceive it to be. As long as you do not approach it. This plant could be a huge threat if not given the space it needs to thrive.

This magnificent plant has spikes to protect itself from any danger that it suspects could hurt it. In addition to this, it also has a set of spikey teeth and a tongue to slice through an opponent. It can ravel its tongue around and pull prey into the teeth and feast upon a delicious dinner. Its stem is extremely strong to avoid being chopped down or attacked.

Surprisingly, if a human were to try and attack this plant, they would find themselves chopped to pieces in a matter of seconds. Despite this, we have seen this plant’s numbers rapidly decline in the past ten years. With number which once stood at 100,000, there are now only around 40,000 left. These plants, which have been given the name Spiker, suck in ten times the amount of CO2 in the atmosphere than any other plant or tree. Therefore, they help humanity greatly, especially right now. Amazingly, it have also been known for its unrivalled ability to help produce wheat.

This species’ habitat is fields with long grass. But now, due to its amazing ability, it has been abducted and forced to grow solely in wheat fields.

The Diamond Peacock

The Diamond Peacock of Crystal Cove is a beautiful creature but if it gets scared or angry it is very deadly. Its powers control all the elements fire, earth, water and the most powerful of all weather. Also, it can also turn things into diamond but that’s too powerful if they use it to much the peacock could turn the whole world into diamond.

However, this magnificent creature is slowly getting extinct by eyeless horses eating them and other predators. The only way they can use their powers to help is by their feathers but they are getting plucked off first and they can’t stop.

This type of peacock can only eat one thing the galaxy flower. Unfortunately, if it eats anything else the feathers on their backs will start to fall out. Also, once all the feathers have fallen out it will start to get thousands of spots on its body and eventually get sick and die.

If any human sees this animal back away slowly so it knows you’re not a predator and don’t go over to stroke it because it will attack. If you don’t follow these instructions and stroke it you will probably die because it will get scared. Also, we found out that there are only 60% left of this specie in the wild less than four years ago.

the Swampotomas

The Swampotomas


The Swampotomas is a peculiar shaped animal and from a distance it looks like a number two. Surprisingly, this animal has involved many years and has grown spikes. The Swampotomas is found in South Africa near water. Amazingly, this animal is found near fish and horses.

Amazingly, this animal is the size of a warthog sheep and has purple and green. Sadly, this fascinating creature has only developed these spikes because of how endangered it is. The Swampotomas has grown the spikes of poison to protect them from dying out.

This astonishing predator has inhabited so many homes due to its purple eye it has been killed for not being normal. As a matter of this creature moving a lot the Swampotomas diet rapidly changed its diet to horses, fish, rats and rabbits. If you ever come face to face with this animal, you should never make eye contact or crouch down this will increase the risk of humans dying by 25%.

The Blue Lion

The Blue Lion


At the moment, this particular animal lives in the southern hemisphere in the Artic. This species previously lived in the warmer areas of the globe but a century ago an aggressive heatwave hit the wild and decreased the Blue Lion population. However, some died of starvation and dehydration.

Did you know… the Blue Lion has a special ability?

It has a large hairy nose for the scent of predators approaching from far distances.

Predator or Pray

Alarmingly, this beast is hunted by unknown creatures when its alone. For the past few years, this special animal has been on the most wanted list because the is only a couple of that kind left. We need them alive to keep breeding and make new creatures.

Staple diet

At sunrise, if this animal isn’t hungry will either eat micro insects of fruit and grass. Usually, in the evening they set a trap for their next pray to approach and they normally catch around the same size as themselves.

The Soul stealer

At this moment, this mysterious creature lives in the gardens of England. Do you know why it has a red eye? It uses its red eye for clear night vision and can spot their next visitor to appear from long distances.

The sneaky soul stealer is an aggressive predator which like sucking people souls into their own body. At the moment, 56 people have gone missing in 1 month and the soul stealer was no- where to be found in the area.

However, this aggressive plant has a undiscovered ability in its leaves it has a syringe hidden in them its makes the soul stealer transfer to different gardens when there is several people around.

The Geo-Worm and The Sinticle

The Geo-Worm

The Geo-Worm is one of the many beasts that has invaded earth in the recent years along with The Hopple, HippoGryphs and many others. This beast was thought to be extinct in 1738 after the Titan-fall (A mass event were all of the Titans were killed). However, it has re-emerged after 282 years of presumed extinction.

Contrary to popular belief, the 700-foot giant (213 metres) is a force certainly not to be reckoned with. It has recently been sighted in most African countries, the most popular ones being Egypt and Zimbabwe, Australia was another that has been sight making scientists believe that they can swim.

How to kill a Geo-Worm

A common question that Scientists or Zoologists is, “How do I kill one is I’m seen by it?” the short answer would be to get to higher grounds i.e a hill, or mountain as it is hard for a Geo-Worm to traverse in rock. A Geo-Worm has a one eye and if you blind it, it will make it harder for them to kill you, but they may also ask, “What about the antennae that they have?” And, that is a problem, but the chances of you seeing one and fighting it are very slim. Geo-Worms tend to stay underground and they use vibrations to hunt. A man named John McCarthey was successful in killing a worm. You probably already know how the story goes. He cuts the eye out, then he cuts the antennae and then he kills it.

A Geo-Worms Diet

A Geo-Worms diet consists of cattle such as Crowcows, Catcows and Crococows. It also eats pigs, sheep, cherki’s, cats and dogs. Another thing that they can eat, but only ever eat it when they absolutely have to is soil, rocks, sand and gravel. They manage this by grinding up the porducts, they swallow the now turned mush and repeat the process as many times as they need.

Additionally, a Geo-Worm slither beneath the surface and one could even be under you right now! They do this by using claws and spade like diggers that are around their body. Furthermore, it has pincers, quite like a crab, to hold its enemies and crush them so they can freely eat them while their dead. As well as, using the pincers to crush their enemies it has a toxic venom inside of the tips of them, they use this to paralyse their prey.

Amazingly, since its re-discovery in the previous years, the population has sky-rocketed and has gone up by 85%! The life expectancy of one of these worms is about 1,350 years! Females normally reproduce 4 to 6 times in their lifespan. They have also been sighted in rockier countries such as Brazil, Canada and Russia.





The Sinticle

A Sinticle is a plant that sprays passer-by’s with toxic gas and pincers to grab hold of their prey. This red menace works as a silent killer. To most creatures the gas is enough to shut down the body and kill them, but some are lucky and can survive the gas.

A Sinticle is very common in caves especially in damp areas. It can also be found near ponds, abandoned mines or houses. It is slightly endangered due to the fact that scientists are trying to replicate its gasses and also that is has an outer layer of red ivory. Additionally, it has sensors around its body to detect its unfortunate victims passing by. Furthermore, it has chromophores that it uses to camouflage into its surroundings.

If you are unfortunate enough to get sprayed by one of these plants then if it is not treated correctly then it could result in death. You would first experience extreme blistering and boils around your skin, then you would feel weak and profusely sweat.

A Sinitcle’s diet is very sctrict, it feeds off of particles that wander into the jaws of this creature. It can also feed off of darkness. Scientists are not 100% sure how this phenomenome  happens, but it does.