Tag Archives | Violet-SGJ


Are you unemployed? Do you want to be rich? If you do then look no more! We are looking for the finest dragon hunter to defeat the town villain so we can sleep soundly once again!

Firstly, imagine being richer than our ruler. Secondly, we will be offering a lifetime supply of food and what ever you need to our dragon hunter ! Also, we will reward you with lots of money and gold. You and your family and friends will not want to miss the opportunity!

If you are interested please ring the following number: 07122567199

Cloud dragon

There are many different breeds and one of the most intriguing is cloud dragon. It is very little known because it camouflages itself so well that it is rarely ever been seen.

would you be able to recognised the cloud dragon if you saw one? In fact, the cloud dragon can only be spotted in cold and windy weathers. Also this magnificent dragon are very similar to fire dragons!

The haunted house.

Slowly and carefully, James crept into the house; as he tip toed into the house the floor was very old and creaky. James skidded up the stairs dodging the 2nd step just in case it would make a sound.

Twenty minutes later, he saw a mysterious bloody door, he opened the door in disbelief and saw a a kind covered in the sticky goo..

Another 10 later, James  went back up the stairs again while still dodging the 2nd step as he slipped as fell down the stairs, he noticed in his hair their was green sticky goo “wait ! I was this in that room with the bloody door I wonder what it means?” James questioned.

James quickly got up and freaked out he thought maybe I should get out of here !


Violet looked up and around the mysterious school. Spiders crawled up the dusty cloudy window . 

On the other side of the school, It looked me suspicious and more abandoned; the air smelt like old books that have just been burnt …

Contratsting Characters

Timmy opened the door, and slipped into the room and sat down “I’m so sorry I’m late sir.” Timmy stuttered while staring at his hands trying to not catch anyone’s attention. Mr E went on about adjectives and adverbs while Timmy tried to get over of what he had said and did.

5 seconds later, Shelley burst throw the door while chucking her bag and a open seat “I world of came earlier but there was traffic.” Shelley shouted while trying to catch everybody’s attention.

Ashley, grabbed her bag viciously and thrusted her hand into the bag to see what she would get. And got a pencil. Ashley pretended to listen as she planned her next step.


Outside, the bitter cold bit my nose, as my toes got nibbled away from frostbite. Billericay has turned into a ice rink.. As I hugged my blanket the cold went down my sleeves. I tried to move but I was frozen. I thought it was no use. Until I saw the inside…
Inside, it was warm and cozy. I tiptoed onto the creaky floor planks as the fire crackled, feeling warm and safe. I stood on the polar bear rug as the ice on my toes melted.

Sunny snow!

snow all around me ,

children playing in the snow ,

While the logs burn.


Ice cream drips down me ,

the sun is shining,

while the birds tweet happily .


crunchy leafs ,

under my feet,

crunching as I step on them .


blooming blossom trees,

i can smell fresh fruit,

and can hear baby animals playing in a field .


The bicycle

The bicycle

The bicycle has had its time. Lonely and mysterious. The headlights had done their jobs and now faded . The seat is all beaten and torn.. The handle bars are now wobbly and waiting for a early morning ride ..