Archive | May 12, 2021

Bobby/H/S my treasure

If I was to make a treasure I would take The sound of wood pigeons in the morning. The sound of my phone ringing to let me know about a call. The smell of bacon being cooked. The take the taste of schools bangers and mash. The taste of gravy (not sweet.) The touch of a dragon’s claw. The smell of a minty breath. The horror of a volcanic eruption. A haunted house belonged to the Hendersons.

What is by Travis M

What is hot The hot bumine suun lava sizzling like fiy 

What is cold An icebevg and snow freezing 

What is dark A darc cave is darc nit is dark like a blac hat 

what is light glas is hight in the morning hightnnig on a slomy night lighting up the sky.  

what is small?

What is small? A lazy ladybug flying calmly though the blue sky.

What is pretty? The beautiful smell of the magnificent rose.

What is strong? A gigantic elephant who stamps loudly in the jungle.

What is shiny? A shinning star glassing over the moon.

What is happy? A joyful memory that will be stuck inside you.

What is fast? A speedy Ferrari on the race track.

What are…

What are scary? a shadow moving in the corner of your eye, a growl luring you into a cave, a unexplainable memory in the back of your mind.

What are silent? a murderer creeping around in a dark alleyway waiting to strike, a mouse’s footsteps on the cold, hard concrete, a drop of water dripping into the empty sink.

What are fast? a man running away from a giant bear, a child getting ready for a long, sleepy day at school, a cat running across a long motorway.

What are thin? a paper drifting sleepily on the winter breeze, a poor child living on the harsh, empty streets, a book made for young kids.



What are fast ? The galloping Cheetahs hunting down there prey ,the 7 athletically crazy men charging down the joyous finish line .what are hopeful ?A middle aged man watching the lottery in an eerie silence, the long slow traffic having a break through as the light go green

what are heavy? the chocolate cake rumbling in my stomach ,the 10kg weights pulling you down in the quest of losing weight. what are silent ?an eerie classroom silent as they  just been shouted at by the horrible teacher, the eerie dark streets of the no atmosphere.

What are cold ?The small cubed ice freezing in the no humans land freezer ,the freezing ice cream in my mouth creating an brain freeze.

What are small ?the small ants travelling just underneath my shoes creating a shiver,a small drop of sugar creating a great texture to the brownie.

What Is…….?

What is heavy? A aeroplane dipped in a 100 layers of wax  with a fully horned rhino lying in deep sleep on top of it, my dog Bella after my dad had fed her breakfast without my mum  knowing so Bella was fed twice and in her cocoon bed.

What is silent?  The last dancing snowflake from a huge snow storm  in Antarctica, the gleaming moon when it switches roles with the sun every 12 hours.

What is slow? A sloth trying to catch the bugs that pass his bed attempting to invade the dull lonely sloth’s house, a snail trying to escape the small fingertips of the toddle attempting to put it down his throat.

What is empty ? The family size popcorn when you are late down on family movie night, a house when you first buy it and move into it.

What are? Poem

What are hot? The magma in volcanos, the hot and beaming sun.

What are fast? A Bugatti Jecko going 200 MPH on the motorway, the travel of light which goes 300,000,000 MPH

What are silent? A cheetah catching its prey, a snake slithering up on a person.

What are shiny? A torch reflecting on a mirror, shiny polished shoes.

What are slow? A snail in a race, a tortoise in a race.

What are big? A shiny skyscraper, a blue whale swimming in the sea.

What are cold? The arctic below -20, the Antarctica in the winter.

What are Loud? Megaphones soundwaves, speakers at full throttle.


Fresh lemonade from the fridge

What are cold? Fresh lemonade from the fridge, a snowman’s hand, a handrail that has been left to frost during winter. What are hot? Mouth-watering bacon fresh from the sizzling pan, a tropical island, a cup of earl grey tea.

What are loud? A stadium when a football player scores a goal, a little boy making echo’s under a bridge, a fire alarm going off. What are quiet? A small mouse, a sleeping baby in its cot, the still, calm sea during a sunset.

What are colourful? A painting of a rainbow, Tokyo when it’s night, a box of Lego bricks waiting to be made into something. What is dull? An empty room that has been painted grey, a sentence without an adjective embedded in it, a long, thick book without any pictures inside it.

What are kind? A true friend, a smile on someone’s face, the sight of a person helping someone up. What are cruel? A mean joke or prank that has caused injury, harsh spoken words that have been chosen badly, a murderer killing innocent people.

What are ruffled?

What are ruffled? Sweet icing coating a birthday cake on an elegant platter, sea waves on the beach in Spain edging the seafront. What are proud? Guardian lions keeping their over-excited cubs safe in a cave, a preened cat staring at it’s kitten hunting for the first time.

What are smooth? Hair after a shower brushed so perfectly that it is silkier than a clean table, pebbles at the bottom of the river Taff in Whales, fully submerged under orange fish. What are soft? A petal from a powdery tulip in the allotments on the hill, my cat’s hair under her velvet ears as the runs to me whilst I come in from school.

What are delicate? The old china tea set at the back of the cupboard which Nan gave to us before she died, the tissue paper in my art box which I got for my birthday 2 years ago. What is tough? A piece of old sand paper kept at the back of my Dad’s small storage shed, a battery taken out of the tray for my brother’s toy car which wont move because the batteries in it have run out.

What are fast?

What are fast? A cheetah chasing it’s prey, a red racing car tearing along the track, light entering the atmosphere.

What are slow? A slug sliding past the garden path, a lizard looking for a meal, a lorry gradually running out of fuel.

What are high? Clouds cruising along the sky, a hungry peregrine falcon plummeting down towards a pigeon, a nebular showing off its wonderous rainbow colours.

What are low? A swing slowing to a stop, a plane gliding towards the runway.

What are large? An enormous elephant, a wide, green oak tree, a massive mansion surrounded by beautiful gardens.

What are small? A prickly porcupine, a small seed, a minute microorganism.