
The Ivysaur

The ivysaur is a surprisingly rare asian beast that lives in the tropical mountain range forests of Indonesia. It is frequently hunted for its ivory crests, which can be found on it’s head, neck, back and tail. It is very large measuring at least 50 metres tall and 70 metres in length. Weirdly, it is very similar to Godzilla except it has no atomic fire breath or other odd tricks. It is around the same size though and does look similar to some degree. Furthermore, it is a critically endangered species.


Many people have stated that this beast is completely made up but I assure you it is very real! Eye witnesses have reported huge beasts with giant spiky crests on their back for many years. Also, the crests are noted to be crystal white in colour just like a fluffy cloud in the sky. Additionally, the scales of the creature are a murky green colour like the colour of algae on a pond. Interestingly, this colour helps it to camouflage itself in the jungle habitat in which it lives. 


This beast is the apex predator of the continent. Many people record that it can crush up to seven thousand tons in one bite and can survive in water for up to one week without needing to surface for air. Curiously, they seem to have a thing about fishing boats and can often be seen in half water with an entire fishing boat in their jaws. It is a common belief that their favourite foods consist of fish, tigers and fishing boats of course. Additionally, they also can be found to feast on monkeys, which they will find in the trees of Indonesia. Moreover, they will actually eat anything that moves.


Ivysaurs can move at approximately 20mph, so not very fast but no animal would notice because it stalks as it walks, just like a spider catching a delicate spider in a web. Interestingly, the ivysaur swims by kicking it’s back legs and, smaller by comparison, front legs. This often mimics a doggy paddle style of swimming.


The only real problem that the ivysaur faces are human hunters. This is due mostly to the fact they want the ivory off their backs. Whist the hunters try and shoot them, they find their skin is impenetrable. Although, in the early 20th century bombs were found to easily destroy them with only one blow. Sadly, these beasts are dying because of the wonderful crests on their back.


People have discovered that the decline of this creature is rapid and immense. The numbers have dwindled by 60% over the past 50 years. Will this beast disappear forever? Hopefully not, as the hunting of them is now illegal. Recent reports have come in that shows we are only seeing about 1 death of them per year. Hopefully these beasts will remain on our amazing planet forever!

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