
Victorian Goblins

Victorian Goblins


Victorian goblins are a common kind of goblin, they can be found in over 50,000 houses across Britain. The goblins are covered head to toe in soot; but expect nothing but 1st class treatment.


Surprisingly, the Victorian goblins clean your chimney as a hobby because they often have nothing else to do. However they will take your coal at night. The reason they do this is because of their fussy diet made of: coal, charcoal and grapes. To quench their thirst, they climb up the dirty chimney of his or her choise and drink from the gutter.


Weirdly, Victorian Goblins look more like aliens with long pointy ears than goblins. The majority have soot covered bodies and one peice of long curly hair on the top of their head. Victorian goblins are very poor but they still make it work; they wear old potato sacks as clothes.


Scientists have found that these strange creatures can live up to 25 earth years. Usually after 3 weeks in the mother’s chimney, they are forced to leave and fend for themselves and the majority find love. When living in the chimneys it is EXTREMELY dangerous because the Victorian goblins have not got any sense of pain and have a weak immune system so they often catch diseases and sometimes only make it to their 17th year. Luckily, females can have up to 40 babies in a lifetime so there isn’t a threat of extinction.


In 1996, experts were able to catch one of these magical breed (who has been named fred)  that was holding a peculiar back-pack that held: 20 purple grapes (they’re very picky about the colour); chimney sweeper, a pure gold bracelet (encrusted with diamonds) worth 80k; more grapes; quite a lot of grapes and grapes.


Sadly, even though this breed means no harm to the world it is still prey to some creatures. They are mostly hunted by robins, blackbirds and ********; this means they practise covering themselves with soot (in 0.3 seconds) to keep out of sight.

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