Tag Archives | Marlie

The Abandoned School

Aneleigh tiptoed down the creaky staircase and fell on the dusty oak floor. She ran and ran until she was out of breath. Aneleigh ran back into her garden and got her backpack that she had prepared. Aneleigh heard a faded little voice as she was walking along the path. Her heart was pounding.

It wasn’t long before Aneleigh entered the old dusty abandoned school. She heard the same little voice again but it was louder. Aneleigh thought it was coming from the school. She walked into the school and there were loads of burnt books and burnt plastic chairs all over the floor. The more she panicked the more she became scared.

It was here that she had first seen the magical stone that no one has ever seen before. Aneleigh shivered but not from the cold. Aneleigh  heard something or someone was creeping up and she curled up into a ball.

Abandoned school

Aneleigh stumbled across an abandoned mansion. All that Aneleigh could smell was damp sheets that covered the furniture. The wallpaper was dangling off the walls and holding on for dear life. Aneleigh could hear wind howling through the broken windows.She saw thousands of rats climbing up the walls.

The old car

The ancient, rusty rover sat there as the wind blew through crooked remains.

The bonnet flung open like a brand new pack of Springs.

Inside the car is vacant like an empty water bottle.

The leather tires where as popped as a balloon.

The beaten up door creeks as you open It.

What are you?

You are a vast jet

stranded in the ocean

Like a overgrown giant.

You are a mouldy apple

Waiting to be thrown out

into a ripe and rotten bin.


You are a Jiggly slimy jellyfish

bobbing about under the salty ocean.