
The demonised xbox by Harryp

One day harry bought an xbox from the shop they went to the car. The xbox was glowing  green for a second but harry was looking out the window so he didn’t see. They got home and harry and his dad set up the xbox at night time. Harry had to go to bed and fell asleep. The started to float and dropped when he woke up he got up getting ready for school knowing he would play on his xbox when he gets back. He went to school telling his friends that he got an xbox so he could play with them. When he got back from school he heard a massive thud upstairs so he ran as fast as he could upstairs and checked every room upstairs and thought it was nothing. He turned on his xbox and waited for it to come on it came on and he played for about ten minutes. Then he saw his xbox turn green and start to float. Harry got sucked into the game. He had to beat the game to get out. He was playing Minecraft so he had to slay the ender dragon to beat it. He started to mine some wood and built a little protection base so no mobs can kill him he got some tools and went hunting for animals and three creepers chasing him he ran as fast as he could but he only had three hunger bars so he couldn’t run he built up faster than any Minecraft player can. He jumped tree to tree and escaped the creepers he got stone to make stone tools. Meanwhile his dad was looking for him and he saw a Minecraft player mining iron. Harry saw diamond so he ran towards them and built across the lava jumped in the ravine into some water he built up and mined the diamonds. There were zombies below him so he jumped down and started to attack them he killed them all and swam up the waterfall when he saw a little bit of an end portal he ran towards it not knowing what it was. There was one eye of ender missing. He looked around for it and opened a chest and saw the last eye of ender he grabbed it and placed it on the end portal he jumped in. It was like another dimension he saw a dragon and hit end crystals so the ender dragon didn’t have any power and harry hit it and shot it lots of times and it died. He jumped in the portal and he completed the game the xbox put him back in real life and he told his dad everything and they destroyed the xbox and lived a normal life.

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