
How to care for a baby dragon!

Did you just stumble across a baby dragon? Are you struggling to take care of it? Well if so, keep reading. We have all the tips and tricks to keep your dragon healthy and happy.


Here are some of the things you might need:

An enclosed space, some leaves and water, a cozy, soft blanket (Make sure its fire proof!), some shade and plenty of kindness.


First, produce a secure, cozy space for your dragon and keep some toys in there to keep them occupied.


Next, provide your dragon with some food and water to keep them healthy (Not too many treats!).


Then, make sure to love your dragon and maybe even sing to them; dragons love a good tune!


After that, exercise your pet daily by taking it outside to run around. Make sure to keep an eye on your dragon and make sure it doesn’t get into any mischief.


Later on, make the time to play with your baby dragon, otherwise it might pine away.


Finally, have fun with your dragon as it’s not every day you find such an enchanting creature.


Dragons make extraordinary pets but they will have to leave your home and explore new things in the world. But don’t worry, if you have treated your dragon well and made them happy, they will come back. Dragons are faithful to those who treats them well.





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