
chapter 4

Pas went to Blue Forest that had Moonclaw and it could defeat Scar Face. “Look!” said Pas” its Moonclaw but its in a pool of piranhas.”

“I will go to get the dagger.” said Pock. “I think it bit me on the butt, but I got Moonclaw.”

“Hooray, hooray, hooray,” shouted Pas. “Now let’s go to Scar Face Palace. Its, its,   it’s a Gorm!”

Pas shouted, “You should stab him with Moonclaw.”

“Ok Pas. Let’s go you got him we are at the palace.” said Pock” now it’s time to fight. Come and face me Scar Face like the villain you are. I combine Starclaw Moonclaw to make galaxiesord and kill you and bring peace to every creature.” T

Then the great sea best Big Gib rose from the sea and ate Lava lagoons, Weeping Woods, Pas and Pock. Or did he …


Daniel P5 Oyne School

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