
Inside my backpack…

Inside my backpack… 


There are a pair of snazzy shoes, with the wings of a Pegasus, to make me flutter through the air. 

There is Henry VIII’s axe, used to slice off Anne Boleyn’s head, to end the carnage between the flipper-flappers and the groggle-boggles (the greatest sky enemies). 

There is Cinderella’s glass slipper to use as bribery, luring the sky-beasts away from their mountains of gold. 

There is every single chocolate bar from Willy Wonka’s factory, delicately laid. 

There is a bucket-full of hope, to pour over lost souls. 

There is Medusa’s head, to turn enemies into rust busts, to hang as decoration on my skyship. 

There is a penguin, with a button nose, who is specially trained in martial-arts, and an illuminated candle, that has the power to reveal the truth. 

There is an endless supply of the Queen of Hearts’ finest jam tarts. 

There is the love a mother gives, wrapped up with a red bow, to keep me strong. 

Then, finally, there is a snow globe, with the memories of my family sealed in the glass sphere: protecting my childhood dreams from murderous enemies outside

Listen to Rosie performing her poem

8 Responses to “Inside my backpack…”

  1. Very good and like the familiarisation in your poem.

  2. Wow, I love this, well done! Very imaginative – Joshua Seigal

  3. We love this poem, Rosie. The extra detail you have added to each item really elevates it. My favourite line is, “There is a bucket-full of hope, to pour over lost souls.” The image of saving lost souls with your bucketful of hope resonates with me. Keep up the great work! – John

  4. Rosie, you have really stretched your imagination with this. I loved it. Keep writing poems, you have talent.

  5. Where did you get the idea of a ‘bucketful of hope’ from?

  6. I really like it. The love of a mother is really interesting. Maybe you could add an adverb to the winged shoes?

  7. Amazing! well done love your choice of words. – Sophie THS

  8. Well done! I found it amazing. My favourite line is there are a pair of snazzy shoes, I found than fun to read.

    Charlotte TJS

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