
Chapter 4

2 days had past and the skyship still wasnt able to fly.No matter how hard they thought, there wet, muddy surroundings always seemed to put them off.After a while, Jerald walked around and realised he had lost the dragon, it was abandoned on its own stranded in the middle of the island.He ran back to the crew alone, realising they hadd all left him aswell, now hes the abandoned one.In the distnace, he could hear rustling leaves and the sound of scraping on the tree, he was worried, he didn’t know what to do, should he investigate the meaning of this disturbance or should he stay put and leave it alone…

One Response to “Chapter 4”

  1. I love your idea of words. You really made me believe that I was in there . Could you use a different word other than he? Niamh TURNFURLONG.

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