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how to care for a unicorn

How to care for a unicorn


Have you ever wished your unicorn behaved? Are you wondering if this unicorn can behave? Then read on  to find out .


What you need

Make sure you provide your unicorn with caviar, pig blood, goat blood 

What to do

(A.First esure sure that your unicorn has a clean, pleasant  place to rest because all unicorns are vulnerable and susceptible  to dust,drugs ,weed ,cannabis, crack,cocaine, bugs and fluff and unicorns have a phobia of darkness.


(B. Next make sure that  your unicorn has a balanced diet of caviar,pig and goat blood. 


(C After that make sure that you give your unicorn 2 hours of exercise in an unpopulated area because this breed of unicorn has a very high self esteem so they might show off to the people.


  1. D) Finally  you need to be careful of the trillion horn the gluteus maximus, face back and legs




Be warned  buff all trillion of you unicorns horns because if you don’t they will become blunt and horn training will mean nothing.

unicorn report

Psychic Unicorn    by kashifb


Unicorns are amazing creatures but do you know what is better than a unicorn?A whole Psychic unicorn. The psychic unicorn is the rarest  thing in the world. The ability of a unicorn is tellecanis , teleportation and anything psychic.


Grim or glamorous?

It is not rare for a psychic unicorn to have nine horns and their eyes float in a bubble out of their socket.


Home sweet Home

Psychic unicorns live in the depths of a waterfall since  they are scared of hot places and they hate cold things.


Welcome to … what can I get for you ?

Psychic unicorns eat various things such as gravel ,mercury spyders , rocks, steak and even fire! Interestingly, the explorers say this  unicorn  is an absolute  beast. 



Psychic unicorns are   very mean creatures. In their free time it literally brainwashes people to swear allergies for a couple of years due to the fact that 9,000,000,000,000 multiverses were destroyed by this beast! Thes unicorns loves enslaving  universes due

what is deep

What is deep 


What are hot ?

A flaming phoenix flying ferociously, a volcano sending shock waves throughout the whole planet and a Carolina Pepper almost capable of turning a human in to a unstoppable flame.


What are cold ?

The crisp caress of a blizzard overlapping you with snow, the punch of sorrow hitting you like a mallet and being given the cold shoulder filling you with remors, sorrow and sadness.


What are light ?

The pure soul of a benevolent angel , the explosion of sunlight seeking the earth to bring happiness and a fire bringing light everywhere.


What are dark ?

My inner voices telling me I Am nothing, my loneliness creeping up on me while i sleep and my worst nightmare might become real. 


What are strong ?

A lion’s tooth , a bodybuilders biceps and triceps and an untouched heart.


What is fragile ?

My patients, a perfectly preserved untouched leaf and a soon to be friendship.