
The Forest Pegasus


The Forest Pegasus


  A forest Pegasus is a flying horse found in all forests Mostly in epping forest. Scientists try to catch a glimpse of these wonderful creatures but due to how many are left in the wild that has proven to be hard. Additionally, they have healing powers which is why they are hunted.



 These creatures live in all forests and mostly in a large and dense forest. Like all horses, they need water so they live near a stream or river. Due to lockdowns, they have come out of hiding and started to explore while there are no people around. Their shelter is a cave or a den. During the summer, they sleep outside and during the winter they sleep in their warm cave.



 They can use their appearance to suit the season. They can camouflage for the season. Also a grown Pegasus always has a long, luscious mane and the same long, flowing tail. Many people believe that a Pegasus has a horn but they don’t. Their cousin the unicorn has the horn. Surprisingly, their feathered wings are concealed in their body until they need or want to fly. The male Pegasus has a muscular body and the females are slightly smaller. Their wingspan is 5 meters, one wing is 2.5 meters. Their hooves are curved and are very strong to help gather speed to fly or run. Their eyesight is very good due to the fact they wander around in the dark. Furthermore, their ears pick up the slightest sound like rustling of leaves and a twig breaking. 



 These creatures are herbivores. This means they do not eat meat they eat plants. As they live in large and dense forests they eat foliage, grass and root. Also they munch on flowers. They are allergic to fish and do not like meat. 



 They are very calm and love to garden and help animals. However, when an animal or plant is in danger these creatures are terrible as they react by charging toward you. Now back to the positive side, during mating seasons, these creatures mate for life and have up to 3 babies per season. In addition, there are 5 mating seasons per year so 15 babies will probably be born. Interestingly, they stay with their parents for 2 years so they will know how to care for their young in the future. They share the job of keeping the mother healthy and warm. They share the job of food hunts and finding food for their young. 


How to save them:

 We can save these creatures for the next generations by not hunting them, cutting down the trees in the forest and not capturing any animals. Help save them and they are endangered due to deforestation. 


One Response to “The Forest Pegasus”

  1. Something you have done well is adding detail and using good vocabulary.

    Something you could improve is your capital letters used correctly on names of places and start of sentences.

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