
The Forest Pegasus by Millie

The Forest Pegasus is the rarest unicorn left on earth, only 100 of these creatures have been hunted and there’s over 1000 left. These magical creatures can be found within the depths of The Forest of Dean, they roam around in the dead of night and spend the day resting in their dens.

These Pegasus have the ability to camouflage into anything or any colour. They have sharp hooves weaved with smooth twigs, firm oak leaves from the fines to oak trees and a beautiful dust mane that shimmers in the moonlight.

The Forest Pegasus eats only the rarest mint leaves, which are only visible to them, giving them strength and making their wings relax. The Pegasus search for these in a group to make their powers stronger if threatened.

When these rare creatures are threatened, they form a group by a loud screech. If they have to do this, they are extremely aggressively and there’s a low chance you will be left alone. These Pegasus are not always aggressive. If they are treated well, they are very loyal and they are extremely gentle creatures.

They have a power that enables them to grow thorn bushes at a rapid speed injuring the predators. Another ability is that they can launch mud balls at anything, causing it to knock to the ground at a hard force.

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