
House Goblins

House Goblins


The House Goblin is a common form of goblin which is generally only out and about at night when everyone is fast asleep. This is because they don’t like being the centre of attention and they are easy to identify. It must already occur to you that House Goblins live in houses. 


House Goblins are easy to identify as they are the smallest goblin in the world being the same size as ants. House Goblins are very flexible, beautiful and handsome and can balance on ceilings. They are covered and coated in white cement. Adult House Goblins are coated and covered in white, smooth cement which enables them to  balance on ceilings and hide against walls and furniture. However, every House Goblin is born coated and covered with prickly, white cement which they lose on their 10th birthday.


House Goblins are found in houses with white furniture white ceilings. They live in a family of 4 (Mum, Dad, one daughter, one son). When out and about searching for food, they like to shuffle against the wall for it to be hard to identify them; you may be thinking what’s the point of shuffling against a wall when it is past midnight.


While most accuse House Goblins of stealing the house owner’s valuable things, it turns out that this is a total lie and they have no interest whatsoever; it turns out that House Goblins actually have an interest in playing with dust. A lot of house owners get an uneasy feeling when they see the dust (they were going to clean today)has disappeared. Surprisingly, these beautiful and handsome creatures are very shy and quiet; but don’t judge them; they make friends with the pets of the house, whether it’s a rabbit or hamster, insect or fish, guinea pig or mice or even better, a dog or cat. House Goblins love to hop onto a ride on the back of a dog or cat from time to time. 


But there’s a problem. House owners mistake these creatures for pests or rodents and kill them. House Goblins are becoming more and more endangered and are coming to a point where they could get extinct. You can help by making them feel safe by making them a mini home, leaving out some food for them, get a pet (a cat or dog will be great), do not scare them and simply make them feel at home. Imagine how many little lives you could save!


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