
I want to paint

I want to paint


I want to paint

a bright blue flower shining in the astonishing sunlight, as it sways in the breeze, a dash hound running across squelchy, disturbing the dirty mud, the sound of leaves as they get trampled on by dogs of many kind, the taste of water against a cold, dry throat, in the wind



I want to paint a bright rainbow along the horizon, with colours of many.  I want to paint the smell of a farm filled with horses that are ready to be ridden.  I want to paint the taste of a fresh apple crumble, sitting in a supreme bowl.


I want to paint

a cup of coffee sitting on the marble counter waiting for its next acquaintance, a monkey swinging from branch to branch in the howling wind, grass underneath muddy shoes finding it hard to breathe, a chandelier hanging of the cieling, holding on for dear life.



I want to paint the smell of a flower garden blossoming in the hot air.  I want to paint a dress covered in illuminous sparkles.  I want to paint a cottage covered in ivy green vines covering the old,creaky door.

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