
How to look after a Phoenix-Elsie

This is how to look after a baby Phoenix!
Have you ever wondered what it’s like taking care of a baby Phoenix?
Well this is how to take care of one!
First of all, if you have a Phoenix make sure it has lots of room to move around so make sure you have a big house.

Also, make sure you have things that can protect you from getting hurt just in case it starts breathing fire! Make sure you don’t live an apartment with people under you because there is a 75% chance it could burn the floor.

As Phoenix’s live for a long time, make sure you give it about 3-4 meals per day. If it doesn’t get this it could get angry and start burning things. Also keep valuable things in a different room far away from the Phoenix just in case it starts burning things.
If things like this happen, make sure you have a bucket or something big to put cold water in and splash it on the Phoenix. This doesn’t get the Phoenix mad, it will calm it down. Also make sure they have 3 baths per week.
If Phoenix’s daily routine go out of shape this could cause stress in them which could also lead to causing the Phoenix to breath fire.

Also make sure you have a big garden for the Phoenix to run around as they need to stay active.
If the Phoenix does not want to play as much you either don’t have a big enough garden or you don’t have enough toys for the Phoenix to play with.

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