Tag Archives | Ella SWW

On the island of… Ella SWW

On the island of…

On the island of future

I saw, everything being upgraded:

they even changed the name car to super-truck.


On the island of metal

I heard cogs and machines work

like slaves for humans.


On the island of cake

I stroked a dog that is made out of sweets

it can shoot out flames from its mouth.


On the island of dragons

I tasted its claws

that tasted as crunchy as jellyfish


On the island of paint

I smelt ink oozing from the fences

the smell was so strong that,

it felt like it was bouncing in my nose.


On the island of death

I could hear dead bodies

and ghosts try to haunt me.

Lion 1-4 Ella SWW

Chapter 1

It was a frosty November morning. Heavy hail fell from the sky of Berkeley. The roofs were concealed with snow, giving spiders a chance of making a web. Fog grabbed to every corner of the town, that rats could sneak into the drains.

Eevee flung her hood on top of her head and held it firmly. She walked towards the checkpoint, but the wild wind pushed her back but she kept going forwards and never turned back. So, she stomped her way forwards and rubbed her hands together and hugged herself.

All she could see was: fog, rain and a long way to go to the next check point. All of the doors were shut and there were happy people in the there with fire pits all warm and cosy. But all she could see was future.

Five hours later, she finally got to the checkpoint. There was a guard standing there, “Hello,” said the guard, whilst holding a rifle. “Where are you headed?” he questioned.

“I need to deliver this important letter to someone,” Eevee said confidently, when cold breath came out of her mouth. The guard gave her a black look but waved Eevee in.

“Hurry!” the guard huffed.

When she came through, it was full with lots of skyscrapers taking over the sky. Her eyes gazed at every corner of upper Berkeley. There were: black cars racing across the terrifying bridge; calm people walking across the pavement; not a spec of dust was seen.

How she wished she lived here, but she had been told to deliver this important letter. She felt her body tinkle and getting annoyed because they are hiding this masterpiece from her.

Without warning, a foot made her fall on the floor. She tried to right her and she had no power to protect herself from the creepy person, her hands pulled herself up into a narrow path way.



“I will take that,” The stranger groaned with greed, whilst staring at her letter, she made to run but there was a door standing in front of her proudly.

“No no no!” Evee said quietly, whilst shaking in her Halloween boots. But the stranger was catching up with her, whilst shouting words. But when he went around the corner another person came from the other way when holding a dagger. She realised there were two people on to her.

The man’s shadow dominated the walls, she felt horror going through her soul. When she noticed an open window she took a moment, she thought to herself that she could jump through it. The strangers were getting closer until they saw me. Whilst I had leap rolled into the room, the man grabbed her leg and the other one held a dagger “There is no way you are getting out now,” the stranger laughed, “I used this before and I don’t want to do it again.” Blood from the dagger dripped on her leg.


But she faced her fear and kicked them, then she crawled into the room.


Chapter 2

She could see rubbish everywhere, and bashed up bean bags and pictures with giant scratches on them. This place hadn’t been taken care of.

She felt horror, she thought that if they will find her again they will steal the package, she was surrounded with crazy people she realised that there was no escape. She was in danger.

In front of her, the man said, “There is no escaping now!” he had a sharp dagger that had my name on it.

…but without warning, something made a deep growling noise like a motor on a car.

When she turned around, there was silence. Loud footsteps slowly walked towards. It had gold liquid flowing in its eyes, whilst it growled on the way. She bends down and scared the muggers away. The creature walked closer to her, it feels like if she is going to cry but, it doesn’t hurt her, she stroked her and felt soft fur and a big fluffy tail.

The animal came up to her, she thought she realised what it was, but it wasn’t a buffalo it was something else. It had white teeth as sharp as a knife. She thought to herself why did this creature just saved her from those muggers. She was standing next to a lion, but she thought they didn’t exist anymore. The lion groaned in pain and laid next to her showing her wound. When she took a good look at it, and she saw the mugger’s dagger in there. She tried to pull it out but it was too stiff. She tugged on it once again, but the lion was twitching. She tugged even harder and it came out. We met eyes to eyes and the lion didn’t groan anymore. That was when we trusted each other.

It was then that she spoke. A mighty voice which echoed all around the room. It was a voice of water, wind and stone. “I need your help human,” she said calmly.

Eevee stared back at the lion, she thought to herself that she might be in danger but, this lion did help her. She must do something in return for her. She replied to the lion and said she will help the lion. “Quick we have to hide,” she whispered. “they will be here soon!”


Twenty minutes later, after a long courageous walk, they felt really tired so they looked for a place to rest. There was an ancient unoccupied building that has been smashed up into bits. The lion yawned a great yawn and rested its head on the ground. All night, I sat and guarded the lion and she never closed one eye.

Chapter 3

Ella woke up after a nightmare; the lion slept on. From outside, she could hear voices from afar. She looked out of the smashed window, and saw the guards walking straight towards her. Ella nudged the lion. The lion yawned showing its giant teeth, with a mighty stretch. She stared at her with her golden eyes. She shushed the lion, and hid behind a chair. The lion let out a throaty growl. Ella gasped.

At that moment, someone came into the building. Footsteps were heard and even the warehouse was scared. There was deep silence, no one blinked or breathed, like if the world is not moving. Two lights came on; whoever came in is not going out; they looked underneath sofas and looked inside of corners. But someone saw the lion’s tail sticking out. Looking through a tiny hole, Eevee saw shadows as dark as ink cover the lion. Cold wind rushed through the door. Her heard was thumping, she pushed her fingers deep into the lion’s fur. The lion stared into her eyes and telling me that it will not end like this. It made her feel a bit better but not enough to calm her down. She felt anxious but the guards were almost giving up. They will have to wait until the guards will give up or they could just find a way out to escape whilst they are looking for them.

Suddenly, a hand reached out to grab the chair, no one moved. Just at the time the other guy shouted that they had to go. “Phew I thought we would’ve got caught then!” Ella whispered in relief.

“Well I haven’t told you my name yet,” she said “I am Jasmin what’s your name?”

“I am Eevee.”

“Eevee huh that a pretty nice name one of my ancestors is called Eevee” The lion told her more about the gateway. A gateway back to her other world that she won’t be killed at.  She had an idea that perhaps maybe the gateway is those giant doors of St Mary’s Church, down town. Nervously, she looked at her wound, wondering if she could make it. It still bled and she seemed weaker. The church will be a long walk and it will be dangerous. The lion thought that she might die because of the guards standing right outside the doors.

She knew that her family won’t be happy if she did this but this is important so decided to take the lion to the gateway. So, she had to think about the gateway before her family. The lion and she walked out of the desert and saw Berkeley in that distance. But they had a conversation about that she wants to ride Jasmin, but in the end, she got to ride her. In the morning, they finally got there. They crept behind trees and dodged the security cameras. They were stuck in a game of cat and mouse.

Chapter 4

The brick walls (which had stayed standing for centuries) stood right in front of the sun so there was no light. There were 3 roads out of the city (one near the shops, one near the park and one that goes past the castle) she knew that north was the way to get to the gateway.

Over the years, the gateways had fallen and only one had survived, it was facing north and so that was the way that Ella and the lion went. They were slowing down, Eevee started to worry. Eevee looked at the lion and saw that she was still bleeding. So, they had to move faster.

As they gained on the massive golden gateway, she heard a noise but she didn’t know what it was. They were noticed. Hobbling forwards, the mighty lion limped to the gateway as quick as it could. But it was nearly too late. The lion got closer and closer to the gateway. The gateway had a rich gold colour all around it with a giant stone arch that covered the sunlight from it. There was a strong lock that had a key hole in it that had been opened. It is made out of real lava rocks that has been dug deep into the magma. She could feel shivers going down her spine and goose bumps growing on her arms and legs.

Suddenly, several guards appeared and lifted up their guns. The lion, turning face to face to them, stood her behind the lion. She growled a mighty growl and so did Eevee as well. She felt weird, as if she was the lion. Her eyes, which had liquid gold fire in there. Then the guards hesitated and lowered their guns. The guards ran away with fear.

“It is time,” she spoke, turning to her and they both looked at the gateway. On the other side of the gateway, she could see space with comets and planets flying around. There were lots of stars hanging in the sky. She wanted to burst into tears but she couldn’t. “Good bye my friends, once I am healed I will come and visit.” She leapt into the gateway. The lion was gone.

She turned to where the guards were standing before they ran away. Unexpectedly, she saw a drop of blood, but she didn’t know what it was from. She was guessing that it was from the lion but maybe not. So, she walked back home whilst her eyes were filling up with water. She kept her hood down so no one could see her face. The snow started to melt and everyone kept cosy in their rooms.

The Racoon Ella SWW

The Racoon

I lay in the bins and moan all day
I’m a robber steeling what ever I need and what I don’t need
I am known as a ************, an evil-chipmunk.

I have a mask across my eyes that means I’m a thief
The eyes are pure green that glint in the night sky.

My fur hangs on me like a monk’s cloak warn out and battered
Me fur has a great, grey colour that is invisible at twilight

I live in the cities and do what I want but people hate me
they call me the theif….

Me teeth is razor sharp and it has a mean bite and rotten yellow
my claws are as sharp as a dragon’s horn
and I never stop focusing.

The Black Panther Ella SWW

Black Panther

The Black Panther has eyes so dark and mysterious.
When it spots you, it glairs whilst, perched on a tree branch.
It slips between the trees looking so furious and so sinister.

The her has midnight fur, wired and detailed.
Its like a robber ready to steel what’s in front of her .
When its ready to attack it licks its paw roughly.

The she is full of pride like if she the queen of the jungle.
And nothing ever messes with the Black Panther.

The Black Panther can ear anything close, either quiet or loud.

The Black Panther’s jaws opens wide and growls so loud that animals fall over.
Its razor sharp teeth can rip off flesh from its pray.
its tongue is like bacon hanging out of its mouth like a dog panting.

The Black Panther has paws the size of a teddy bear.
It tramples over what ever is below her face.
the sharpened claws of the predator scratches out souls of its pray.

Her fur is like the moon hanging in the sky.

The Black Panther never stops without a doubt and without no fear, its coming for you.


The kitsune

The Kitsune is a legendary animal that has magic powers. But the secret about the animal is that it have 9 lives, The kitsune has been spotted in England at 7:06PM. We are researching now.

Common forms assumed by kitsune include beautiful women, young girls, elderly men, and less often young boys; these shapes are not limited by the fox’s own age or gender. Common belief in medieval Japan was that any woman encountered alone, especially at dusk or night, could be a kitsune.​

Amazingly, someone has spotted the creature and took a picture of it looking like this.

Chapter 2 part 2 Ella SWW

Chapter 2 part 2

Without thinking Layla garbed the pen “What dose it do though? maybe, if I write in a door because Mr Lucian Sapphire made a door teleport when he rote in the book” Layla exclaimed. She started to write :
I want a door full of sweets and candy: Swiftly, a door started to appear on the wall. She were walking to the door with pride and like ready to go in.

She headed through the curtain, and saw the spiral stairs going up more then 1M doors going up it. “I don’t know what to do hmmm maybe I could use some help right now.” said Layla. Rapidly, a emerald magpie flew up to me. It started to speak ” I hear you need my help girl.” answered the bird.
” Yes I do really can you help me to find this door that I made?” replied Layla. The bird flew to the door giving Layla a ride. The bird took her to the door and said ” Here is your stop I better get going well bye”

Layla stepped through the door and saw a slide made out of lollies a bouncy castle made out of marshmallows. Layla ran inside of the door full of happiness.

Chapter 2 A warning disobeyed Ella SWW

recipe for healing unicorn blood Ella SWW

Recipe for healing unicorn blood by Ella SWW

Take a pepperoni that fell off a pizza from the cheese sliding it.
Peel a monkey’s brain open and get the liquid
Mix them both together
Pour them into a mug or can
Divide them both around 15/30 in each bowl
Sprinkle on some dragon claws into each bowl
Stir them all together until its all hard like dough
Drop it into a glass bottle and shake it for 10 minutes
Capture a griffin by using a Cerberus
Shape into a ball
Pluck all the feathers of a griffin
Repair all of the skin and throw it away
Rip off the meat and put it in
Plunge all of it together
Blend it together
Explore for any lumps
Decorate unicorn horns and mix it
Add some roots from a blood tree
Mix it in one
Then you get some healing unicorn blood

Go on and open that door Ella SWW

Go on and open that door

Through the main entrance of the Nowhere Emporium,
you will see wonders and imagination blowing in the wind.

Go on and open the scarlet door,
maybe you will see a volcano getting ready to explode and excited to hear the people screaming.

Through the gem door,
you will see diamonds, topazes, emeralds, sapphires, rubies and amethysts calling to you to chip them out.

Through the rainbow door,
You will see rainbows covering every corner in the room.

In the lapis door,
You will see the ocean where fish and animals are happy.

Through the jade door,
there are shadows appearing every time you move.

In the mint door,
you will see clouds floating in the sky and the grass dancing.

Through the frost door,
you will see arctic foxes playing in the snow with nothing to bother them.

In the violate door,
you may see kids all lining up in a row at school.

Through the denim door,
you will see black appear everywhere.

Ella SWW Calm Rooms Poem

Calm Rooms Poem

In the room of nature,
I saw animals trying to communicate to me and running around and paying together.

In the room of silence,
I heard only birds tweeting and singing beautiful songs.

In the room of books,
They were whispering to me to tell me to pick the right one.

In the room of animals,
there were birds, monkeys, lizards talking to me so I can play with them.

In the room of waterfalls,
I listened to the water splashing onto the ground and swallowing up flowers.

In the room of sunsets,
I watched them fall asleep and become the moon.

In the room of calmness,
I wondered around and was amazed when the wind was talking to me as it was catching my hair.

In the room of moons,
I watched the stars go past me as quick as a cheetah.

In the room of sky,
I saw fluffy clouds coming towards me telling me to sit on them.

In the room of myself,
I was as happy as anything that nothing can bother me.