
The Mine

Mack was getting exhausted, for oxygen was thin now. He steadied his breathing and brought the cart to a stop. Carefully, he climbed out and studied his surroundings. A few emeralds stuck out of the muddy walls. ‘Jackpot!!’ He chuckled, as he yanked the crystals out of the earth. Mack was interrupted by a familiar noise. ‘Ugh what now?’ Said Mack sighing under his breath. His eyes widened, he was going to be found! Another cart trundled up the tracks!!! Two voices filled the eerie silence, Mack panicked. The second cart came to a stop as the two men inside jumped out and said, ‘Hey I swore I heard someone or something down here.’ ‘Yes so did I Bill, so did I’, said Noah confused. The two men went back in the cart and left. Mack appeared slowly and sighed heavily, he was safe….for now.

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