

The nature alicorn

      By Molly 

 The nature alicorn which lives in pastel pond woods can use its horn when it’s in distress. The nature alicorn drinks sparkling water; nobody strangely knows how it can use its roots to strangle its prey. Scientists have been trying to figure this out! 


     This extraordinary creature can run up to 10 miles an hour! The nature alicorn uses the brown and green necklace around its neck to help trapped dragons and help them. 


 If you see this nature alicorn it can give you a good look, and it can see if you’re good or bad. The nature unicorn alicorn has pastel mint mane and its fur is a wooded  brown colour which allows it to camouflage onto trees.


    They are very shy and doesn’t like loud noises. If you are rude it might be rude to you as long as you’re not mean. 



The nature alicorn lives in pastel pond woods, and always goes to drink sparkling water because it’s their favorite drink. They also don’t drink for 1 hours!!! Crazy right …ok they like the shade so if you want your own alicorn you might wanna look in the shade because they live in the shade.


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