
How to look after a baby yeti

How to look after a baby yeti

Have u ever been made to look after a yeti and don’t know what your doing?if you are then your in luck! Just follow these tips

What you need:Ice cubes,snow,a dark room,pillow

What to do:

First, create a cold icey room for your yeti so that it won’t get hot or burn.

Next, put down a bowl of ice for your yeti to drink/eat never give it human food because it will become poorly.

Then, build a pillow fort  yeti’s love pillow forts as it reminds them of being in the mountains.

Also, yeti’s do not like attention this causes them to scream like a goat and run around like a headless chicken.

After that, yetis love to dance and groove around this gives them trust in you however if u have a bad taste in music  they will attack your face.

Later on, your yeti will need a cool icy name because if u give it a name like poppy it will stare a forever and let’s say you don’t want that.

Finally, put your yeti to sleep in the fridge don’t worry your food is safe they don’t like human food remember.

Good luck with tips! I hope these help.

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