Tag Archives | Jake SWW at school

Escape the Madness- Chapter 4. Written by Jake SWW

Chapter 4: Escape From The Madness

Before he could even think about anything next, the same words whispered in his ears again. Now, he really didn’t care what risk. He needed to get out. Just at the last moment, Caleb crawled, slowly, from underneath the king-sized bed and tiptoed on his hands and knees towards a fine, smooth wood door; that lead up a smooth, stone staircase then to the very top of the castle’s walls; a tower so high you could see the ever-vast hills in such a spectacular point of view his eyes almost bulged with amazement.

“Don’t you leave, if you do we will lock you up years and years ’till you starve” protested the guards voice as Caleb tried to hide inside a rotting barrel hidden beside until the voice slowly faded away. At that moment, when all was quiet he gently poked his head out hoping the guard had gone. He scanned where the door he entered in firstly, but nothing, nothing was there. Suddenly, he had the terrifying thought, he was trapped inside the land he had drawn and ever in a place he never belonged. He stopped and thought, there must be a way. In front of him, he then found a brief outline of an arched door hidden beneath looming leaves that wound round its wood.

Set upon his eyes, a long vine hung from a large, what seemed to be strong, branch. Then, Caleb remembered how good him and his dog (who he trained to do so, by himself) was at monkey bars and that this was almost identically the same as what was at the local park. But Rex could easily leap across not even grasping onto the rope Caleb, only a few days ago saw how far he can jump and he knew this was the time. Heart pounding, he swung from the vine, pushed it higher as he climbed the evening air. Caleb forgot everything and jumped to the tree. Both of them reached the exit.

The door was stuck, like children trying to get up early before school. He gave a tug on the rusted hinges, tugged and tugged. And, before the handle could snap, the door flung itself open and unlocked. Before he knew it, he was out the door and into the corridor. But, he asked himself, “Is he safe now?”.

Moments later, he made it bravely through the long corridor and sneaked into the front entrance of the Emporium. He realised maybe Tyson knew he was in a room and that the drawing he drew would be a huge mistake for Tyson cradled the book in his hands. But… open.

“Seems you’re back, how lovely it is to see you once again. Did you find what you were looking for” he said, a spark of sarcasm whispering in his voice. Caleb shook his head, his legs shivering as a tingle of guilt sprouted down to his feet as Tyson’s mouth opened for a next couple of sentences to say. “You see, my emporium is full of little secrets and things that you may not expect to see but there’s a lot that customers are drawn to, like my book. No matter if you want to buy, sell, trade or even just browse. I store everything. You can look to the very brim of the emporiums many rooms everything you see within those walls you shall not touch otherwise you could be out of luck” Tyson guaranteed.

“So, I guess I’ll see you out, come another day. Plenty of time in this world” he insisted. Just then, Caleb was out in the lonely and quiet street pattered by sputtering rain. Then, he decided to spend only a little longer but was surprised when what would of been the emporium a few seconds ago was a random block of flats. He thought he must of been seeing things but he was too tired to think anymore and strolled back home. But, something he didn’t realise, was that the parrot had been hopping rooftop to rooftop following him home all the way. Once Caleb got through the front door, the parrot perched on the pillow, looked at him then buried its head in the pillow of its soft feathers.

Chapter 3. Looming with worry. By Jake SWW

After not listening to Tyson’s rules, Caleb and his loyal companion had got through never thinking it would had been so identically accurate to what he had drawn in the book. But somehow, every corner and every tiny pebble he drew was in the exact spot that he had imagined. ​The air smelt fresh and felt cooling for the sun was set behind many dozing clouds drifting to the right of him. A winding stream and waterfall spluttered behind a mountain of slate stone rocks. He breathed the air through his nose giving a cute smile that whistled through the looming, tall trees.

Suddenly, before Caleb forgot, he remembered what he had drawn and that it won’t be far from here. He could find it. On top a large hill, the drawing was just identical and he was surprised when he saw it.

“Perfect” hissed Caleb, fixing his eyes on the structure. Thick stone walls stood shaped in all sorts of curves and peered over the stream, leaving a beautiful view. No questions asked, he ran fast as he could to the arch door way. By the time he got to the drawbridge, it was open. In the centre, horses munched on fresh hay and soldiers marched straight through.

He figured that he may not be able to stay forever so he decided to explore as much as possible till every corner was searched. In one room he couldn’t believe what he found: a mix of a marble stone kitchen; a cosy bedroom and even a living room shrouded by famous paintings. All of this caught his attention, without thinking, he sank into the bed wrapping up in its soft covers. Over the other side of the room, a hungry fire crackled beside two open windows both creating a suitable atmosphere.

Maybe he should have known that he wasn’t actually recognised in the castle. For seconds later, loud footsteps thundered down the hall making him jump. Immediately, Caleb slithered underneath the bed before shuddering when something struck him.

“I know you’re in here..” smirked a deep voice. Caleb was the enemy.

Chapter 2 Rule Broken

Chapter 2. Rules Broken.

Caleb wanted to jump in such excitement. But decided to nod his head instead. “So many customers (before my shop was hidden) are interested in my book, so I hid it somewhere I thought was well hidden but you, well you just found it, I see” he told him, tapping his foot on the hardwood floor.

“I am Tyson Sword as you may have thought and this is my shop, now I shall let you walk free inside but I am warning you, do not write in this book or you’re out!” he apprised, pointing his hands in front of me for a handshake. I decided it would be pleasant to do so back.

Briefly, he glared around the old shop, scanning the load of assortment piled on top shelves and cabinets. Not much had changed, at all. Except the air, it was colder and a lot more dull. He could still hear squakes of the Macaw (parrot) though he knew Mr Tyson was still somewhere far. The book, the book he once closed, cried to be open again, read by his mysterious mind it screamed.

Though he was told not to, he was drawn to the book and was just so tempted. So suddenly, he snatched the book, pulled it into his curious hands and flicked open the cover.

The secretly dark emporium

The Secretly Dark Emporium

There are a lot of places no-one enters and never looks. This Emporium was no different, at all. The Secretly Dark Emporium used to be shown, used to be so easy to find, but now it is so well hidden that you’d now be most luckiest to find it. Sometimes if you come at the right time, in the right place you’d find it. It’s is known.

Though the windows still swarm with eggs and leaping bunnies at easter. Even though, the teddies still try and hug you. Though, you could still smell freshly baked chips or sizzling burgers. Though, you could still see piled boxes of treats.

Still, no-one had entered. The door seemed almost too large and way too dark. It felt as if you’d only enter at your own risk; with your own consequence. But no matter how many walked past they took no look. Except Caleb, who took that risk. A choice, you can never go back from, you’re stuck.

Chapter. 1 Through The Shadows. (past tense)

It had been a normal day, for Caleb. He had always been curious of what the new shop had lurking inside its dark brick walls and if it was so special that it hides away each morning. Caleb chose to figure this out with the little help of his German Shepherd (Rex) who had been by his side since his 10th birthday. With no-more questions, he stepped inside.

Throughout the shop, everything seemed to catch his attention. Though something stood out, something that glared into his curious soul. The object he saw was tall, gold and patterned with large specs of gold that weaved round its skulled base and up to the centre of the artifact a pool of bubbling and popping jam swirled inside the cupped bowl perched on top its stand. He inhaled a sharp breath and tiptoed closer.

He cradled the monument in his hands dreaming of taking it home maybe one day he thought. One day.
Gently, he put it back in its place. At that moment, a compartment opened a silky, ocean blew, leather book exposed itself to the biscuit smelling shop. Without thinking, he clutched the book in his hands and ran the tips of his fingers at the cover Book Of Wonders by Tyson Sword. Caleb could not believe his eyes joy sizzled inside him. His bold, courageous mind forced him to open the tome, and with no other words he opened it up. As he flipped more pages, words read aloud in his brain springing alive by the second like rabbits in a sunflower field, he read.

“Hey! where’d you find that book, I thought I hid it” a voice whispered under a gust of wind the voice frightened Caleb he leaped back slammed the book shut and slipped it back into the object it came from. He peered up at the man, he was tall, muscled and loomed a dark shadow across Caleb’s face. On top his shoulder a talking Macaw squaked, looking at the boy, darkly disappointed.

The Chilled Poem. By Jake SWW

Through ​the orange door, a candle-like sunset sets above land; behind dozing clouds.

Through the red door, you can feel the heat of a crackling fire never to be extinguished.​

Through the ocean blue door, you can feel the waves soaking into your socks and the pressure tickling at your feet.​

Through the black door, bats fight over a scourge of hungry mosquitoes.

Heaving open the silver castle door, candles flicker in the strong, cold breeze you shudder as you watch.

Through the forest door, a campsite steals your vision and the flames of a campfire glare into your soul.​

Through the light blue door, ripples of water splash at the sides of a bath splashing back at you roughly.​

Through the dark door, shadows steal your puzzled mind and figures scratch at your shivering legs.

StarGrazer 1976 2021 JAKE SWW

The baby dragon/Blue Spirit​ seemed cold, whimpering and shivering James dashed off to grab a nice fluffy blanket from his bed.

A few hours later, everyone had returned, back from fixing the tired, ripped balloon. Silently, they drifted on through the night grazing the stars and swiftly seeping into the clouds. Both the children had found a cosy space for the little dragon beside a slightly hot heater. It had eaten very well and drifted off to a deep sleep very suddenly.

James sat alone on deck, dreaming of seeing his home again and if he ever will. The glistening moon cast a bright spotlight over at his face. Marisa sat beside him her arm wrapping around his shoulders she never thought she would get tired of the everlasting ride.

It was at that moment, when they both heard scratching and bangs at the side of the ships walls. Marisa grabbed his hand and pulled him behind Captain Hawk’s comfy chair. ”

“What are you guys doing behind here” exclaimed the captain softly.
James told him about the things they heard on deck. Peering out the window they could just about make some shape on the roof.

Captain Hawk stared out and chuckled. ” Your so silly! that’s just the emergency boat incase we have an accident outboard, I think it’s time for you to get to bed now before you start imagining things”

Before long, the two children had climbed into their bunks dreaming of sky dragons and cloud fairies. Slithering past the moon we rode till dawn.


You’ve probably been on an airship before, when the sun burns bright, the skies are blue and the breeze is just enough to keep the engine running. Remember how it feels to slice the clouds with that air brushing at your face to see the juicy, green grass on the fields and villages sat below you. All of a sudden, you start to feel free from the dusty, old house you’ve been sitting in for a while. Its better to get outside. Right?

I bet you have enjoyed vacation flights across the bay, a memorable journey you will never forget an experience you’d crave. This sky ship can tick all your boxes for that perfect ride, making you feel relaxed throughout every second.

But you should also try a trip when the winter fades away and the winds are as sharp as a butchers dagger, with the clouds darkening, for there is another matter. When the thunder growls like an angry dog and lightning crackles that would cause the airship to fall to your fate and no-one wants to experience that. Do you? When the wires snap and the engine begins to tremble to a fail that’s when the ride becomes a lot less fun…

Some say they’ve spotted sky soldiers, hiding in the misty clouds then pouncing at its pray at the perfect time to strike. Unbelievably, some say that there is flying arrows rather like a scorpion shaped as an arrow performed as a bird with its knife like wings. Though the most terrifying feature of this sky creature is that it is the smallest but most powerful sky creature ever known.


James gripped to the handles, shivering in fear. His eyes open and closed as the ship swayed side to side never in his 12 years of life has he EVER been so high up. He glanced at his sister Marissa who seemed to enjoy the ride dancing to the glistening stars that shone through the window. The blinds were open but still flapped as the breeze whipped it. They had left the city almost a week ago, as a vacation to a sunny place about a months travel away and of course James didn’t like it he hated heights and always had done. All of a sudden, the sky soldiers attack. James spotted 2 of them streak out from the clouds fire roaring towards the ship. Captain Hawk dodged the bullets of creatures that sped towards them.

“This is Captain Hawk speaking we are in for a small battle against the sky soldiers please sit in your seats and buckle up” Bellowed the captain. Immediately, the ship pulled out a canon from the window with the push of a button and shot a giant ball in the way of the sky creatures forcing them down into the ocean. Marissa was only 10 years old and had never experienced such a thing this made her worry but with the cuddle of her unicorn teddy she was just about ok. For a moment, the soldiers vanished as the captain steered us into a furious storm without thinking.

The thunder growled lightning struck and the engine stuttered still dragging its last power through the thunderclouds. The light inside started to flicker, the blinds shut, and just as they thought the light shattered and everyone covered there eyes till the puff of smoke somehow faded but still swallowed by the darkness. Both Marissa and James grabbed for the torch shone it at the floor creating just the right amount of light. Captain Hawk stared through the telescope but nothing was spotted. The clouds had blocked its way. Suddenly, we were pulled down for an emergency landing as told by the captain to the ground as the storm was so tough.

With a bang the engine trembled then shut down meaning we were heading west.

On my sky ship I will take… By Jake SWW school

A diamond compass to lead me through the deep blue skies as well as a paper map to guide me through clouds.

A ghostly spirit, incased in a potion bottle, haunting your enemies.

An invincibility potion, made with special dragon berries, decimating your pain.

A book/journal to write about my experience traveling through the sky.

Suit/space suit, for slicing through clouds or perching on the moon.

I’d take with me water, magical drakoberry water, to give me unlimited energy.

I’d take with me some food, a selection of fruits and sacks.

A supply of warmth, battery powered fire placed by the cabin, warmth secluding the cold breeze that tickled my cheek.

Space Pegasus By Jake SWW School

The Space Pegasus is a magical creature, soaring the solar system, circling the bulging moon. In your interest, it only flies to our planet as a vacation or possibly to steal some food.

According to scientists,​ the Space Pegasus lives beside satellites curiously peering inside once in a while. But most of the time, it lives on a particular planet, although no-one knows exactly which one. Every so often it prefers to sleep flying either in a straight line or drifts left to right, up or down.

The Space Pegasus has wings ​the exact appearance as the moon. Its eyes shine like the stars and glisten in the moonlight. The Space Pegasus has horns as sharp as a butchers knife hooves like thundering boots.

Its diet is a mix of ​different bugs and creatures it crushes with its own hooves. Sometimes for dessert it eats shards of emeralds easy to swallow as for its muscular body.

The Space Pegasus ​sounds pretty much like a T-rex as it growls or roars. It hates to be seen meaning if it catches anything except its pack watching it would attack viciously.

These creatures only come out at night due to its comfort of the midnight sky and glistening stars​.

Where do you get your ideas from? Jake SWW

Where do ideas come from?

​Seek them.
In the depths of a rusty pipe.
Inside a shiny apple just turned ripe.

Search for it. ​
Inside the misty cellar
the mind of a fortune teller.

Find them.
Hidden in dark alleyways.
A campfire set ablaze.

Watch for them.
Stare at the glistening stars
and the pepper red mars.

Seek for it.
Inside his secret chest
and hope to find the best.

Search for it.
In the old crampy attic
in the boxes lead static.