
Skyship – Part 2

Susan scratched her head and shouted for Tom, “Tom! Tom! Tom, where are you?!”

“Over here Susan,” yelped Tom

“Tom, we need to get out of here before it collapses.”

Susan sprinted to the deck, but Tom was limping behind her. “Susan we are going to have to jump!” They held hands and jumped off, landing in the woods.

“Tom are you alright, you were limping?” questioned Susan. She lifted up his trousers a bit and saw blood. “You’re bleeding Tom, I need to put a bandage around it.”

As Susan took care of Tom’s damaged leg, Tom looked around their surroundings, concerned they weren’t safe staying on the unstable ship.

“Susie….we really need to find out where we are.”

Tom and Susan stared at the land in front of them; the air was dry and the wind was still. They noticed the sun was nearly falling out of their sight. It was time to find safety. The only noise that could be heard was the rattling of the ship parts breaking. Linking arms, the friends walked forward.

There were millions of giant oak trees as tall as houses and as wide as buses. Magical mushrooms glowing as bright as lights and spitting out some kind of unknown purple dust. There were bushes with shiny red berries, which when eaten give you night vision. Tom knew this from survival books. Loads of sharp pointy grass grew in the direction of the sun, alongside thin leaves that were bright apple-green which would never fall off the tree, even if you pulled with all your might.

“We must be at Gonegoo Forest, we mustn’t stay too long,” Tom told Susan.

Susan looked at him concerned. Without speaking she nodded.

They started making a campfire; the billowing smoke reminded Tom of his Mum’s bad cooking back at home. The warm flames directed the miniature flying Bingles from them. Bingles were microscopic deadly bugs like mosquitoes but more violent and only coming out at night. In the distance, a bang startled them, a storm rolling over the bumpy snow drenched mountains and they knew Haders would come out, so they hid under a tree and got some rest.


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