
save the birdmanders


The birdmander is a frightening animal and is very fierce.It lives in water but can come on land. Also,it can kill you in one bite.


The mander has the sharpest teeth in the world sharper than a knife. It also has demon red eyes.Also,eyes brighter than fire.Stay away because if you close to it it will kill you.It’s even stronger than a megalodon. Don’t get fooled by how cute it is.


The mander eats megalodons to get energy and help them get stronger.Also,it eats people when it’s hungry and to swim faster. It will eat anything in its path.Many people believe that it lives in the ocean but it lives in the sea.

Please save the manders. There are no megalodons and not many people come to the beach anymore.Donate to they will become legendary creatures if we don’t save them.

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