

Chapter 2 


We sat silently before I asked “what did you see?” right before she could answer i gave it a guess “Klombomander!” i shout of course I was right she had seen the klombomander. Half an hour later we agree on going out and finding the klombomander. Shaking in fear we both step out of the fish and chips shop.


We realise it’s as cold as standing in a freezer “which way should we go?” I ask “lets just retrace my steps” she exclaims “this way is the arcade!” he shouts over the wind they walk quicker to make the time pass “ew i just stepped in goo!” she cries out, we wander into the arcade as the lights on the machines flicker they head to the back but as they get arcade as the lights on the machines flicker they head to the back door they hear a low growl, they look at each other in fear viola and I slowly retreat but as they do viola trips on a wire connected to the machines “we see who the clumsy one here is” i laugh before voila could reply the klombomander charges through the door and stumbles through the front door “chase it!” voila shouts they chase it but as soon as they get out of the arcade they hear a loud splash  as if a meteor fell into the water “ of course it got away it’s just our luck today” complains viola . the klombomander is deep underwater by now.

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