
When the thunder strikes chapter 3

The summer holidays went by as quick as a velociraptor. Every day Thor would go and check on the velociraptors in the forest. He didn’t know but the fields and the forests and the houses and school was becoming more familiar than London.


One day Delta came to visit Thor and Mrs rake on the farm, luckily not finding any livestock. She sniffed around a bit, stole Thor’s dinner and then went home after sitting with Thor and watching the sunset. A few months later the rest all of the raptors came to the farm, Delta leading the way to the open door of the kitchen.


Something that worried Thor was that someone might find the raptors and kill them. They always kept themselves hidden in the forest and sometimes in the farm, using their exceptional speed when they hear someone who isn’t Thor or Mrs Rake coming their way.


It happened though at the end of the summer holidays. Thor was going into the woods and he heard a scream and four high pitched chirps. He knew immediately it was the raptors and started to run shoving through the bushes until he found the opening. Alpha jumped down from a tree with the others following, ready to pounce. A few meters away a woman stood screaming, frozen in fear.


“Stop” hissed Thor, staring at the raptors. When he looked back the woman was gone and when he looked back at the raptors they were running back to their cave. He walked back to the farm. What to do now?


The secret was out. When he got home, Thor and Mrs Rake had a long talk about what to do with the raptors. They thought about releasing the raptors into a tropical forest where a raptor should truly live.

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