
The fire dragon by Oliver SWW

The fire dragon

Did you know there are different types of dragons? But this dragon is a Fire Dragon and it is the most dangerous dragon of them all.

However this Dragon is rarely seen because of it’s camouflaged form so its rare to see it near fire or out side or any where else in the world.

Surprisingly, this Fire Dragon is located on the hottest places on the earth it can be found near volcanoes and lava streams.

Also the Fire Dragon feasts off burnt pieces of rock and it drinks molten lava.

The Fire Dragon has teeth like daggers and their eyes are yellow like molten lava, also its legs have scales that resemble a lava stream running down to it feet. Its wings are as black as coal and down its neck has scales towering down one on top of another. The end of its tail is shaped like a bat. also it has ****** running down to its tail.

All so take safety processions when you are next to the fire dragon at all cost.

2 Responses to “The fire dragon by Oliver SWW”

  1. 1.We like the idea of black as coal as it gives a nice effect
    2.Have you ever seen a volcano and is that where you got your inspiration
    3.We think you should have used less paragraphs

  2. 1. I love your sentence starters

    2. What dies it look like as a juvenile

    3. None

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